Any topic (writer’s choice)

Length: 4 pages (1000 words) Sources: Use 3 texts assigned in class Texts: Beliso-De Jess, Aisha M. Electric Santera: Racial and Sexual Assemblages of Transnational Religion. (Columbia 2015) Matory, J. Lorand. The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make. (Duke, 2018) McNeal, Keith E. Trance and Modernity …

non verbal communication

Find a speech online and critique the presenters non-verbal communication habits throughout the presentation. Based on your readings and class discussions, write a TWO PAGE paper (12 point font, double spaced) and: Explain how the presenter used non-verbal communication throughout their presentation.Discuss if there is anything that you would do …

Effects of Adoption on Children under the age of 5

Complete research/literature review on the effects of adoption of children under the age of 5.  Must include abstract and critical analysis of the resources.  Will provide previous work, must use and revise to fit the new findings that you will add to the material.  Resources will be provided, can add …

Effects of Adoption on Children under the age of 5

Complete research/literature review on the effects of adoption of children under the age of 5.  Must include abstract and critical analysis of the resources.  Will provide previous work, must use and revise to fit the new findings that you will add to the material.  Resources will be provided, can add …

Counseling career report

Writing a Career Report (a specific career will be provided). The report must be at least 3-5 pages in length and must be from 3 specific sources (specific resources website will be provided). There are career report instruction, sample, my career investigation, and resource websites. All references must be from …

Setting a Budget

For this assignment, create a sample line-item budget for your chosen human services organization. The budget must contain, at minimum, the following elements: Income.Personnel.Consultants.Costs of goods and services (such as telephone, software, insurance, and facilities).Services (such as client transportation and client meals).Miscellaneous support.Write a narrative about the budget, including the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Newspaper Editorial Argument Analysis Chapter 7 focuses on analyzing arguments.  The daily editorials in a local newspaper are excellent examples of short arguments.  Editorials are unsigned as they are written by the editorial staff of the paper.  (Letters to the editor and “op-ed” columnists are not editorials).  For this exercise, …

Cross-Culture Competencies

Describe each of the following, as it relates to Cross-Culture Competency, in 2 paragraphs each. 1.  “It is better to study major international languages like English rather than to spend time on minority languages for the sake of regional identity.” Do you agree? What would be the benefits and detriments? …

Persuasive Speech

This is a persuasive speech. Submit a fully written persuasive speech draft, reflecting the instant structure outline.  And like with the outline, label all the parts of the instant structure: intro, thesis, preview, body-points, transitions, re-stated thesis, summary, and conclusion.  This is to ensure you leave nothing out, and earn …