Short Answer

*** Answer the following questions in 4 or more sentences *** (Human Rights Handbook attached for reference. 1.    As an expert on the writings of political scientist Robert Jervis, you have been invited to the White House to discuss his recommended safeguards from the dangers of biases and expectations with …

Informative Speech

Informative Speech The objective of an informative speech is to educate an audience about a subject in order to promote understanding.  Its goal is to explain or describe facts, truths, principles, processes, objects, concepts, issues, people, places, or experiences in a way that stimulates interest, facilitates understanding, and promotes retention. …

Chinese Masculinity/Ideal Woman in Indonesia There are TWO different questions that I have to answer for this task:—How have constructions of Chinese Masculinity changed in recent times and what traits make up the ideal Chinese male today? (Feel free to give examples from popular culture). Include in your discussion insights from If you are …

Personal Reflections as a Human Services Professional

In a reflective journal assignment, discuss where you think you can have the greatest positive impact in your work as a human services professional in an elementary school or community-based setting with a large population of at-risk students. Specifically, focus on risk and resiliency factors that you would be most …

The Doll’s House Analysis

For this assignment, you will be writing an analysis of the play A Doll’s House by Ibsen. Thinking about the deeper meaning of the play is required. You’re NOT writing about whether or not you personally liked the play, nor are you simply offering a summary of the play’s plot. …

Database and Evaluating the Work of Others

Please answer questions below; 1.Select one of the specialized databases listed in this weeks lesson (aka not Google). Search for information related to social media in their profession. Did you find useful information? What questions do you have about accessing or selecting information? Are there any tips or strategies you …

Handbook for IIDA – Rhetorical Analysis

Assignment Instructions: How does your professional discourse community use written communication to transmit information to its members? Select a document that is used within your discourse community (i.e. marketing plan, financial report, handbook). What is the purpose of this document? How do you know? What information does the author use …

Handbook for IIDA – Rhetorical Analysis

Assignment Instructions: How does your professional discourse community use written communication to transmit information to its members? Select a document that is used within your discourse community (i.e. marketing plan, financial report, handbook). What is the purpose of this document? How do you know? What information does the author use …

Career Planning

Career Planning You have found an opening for your dream job in human services. For the application, you are asked to write a formal paper discussing the social problem that you are passionate about and conduct research on that topic. You must also show that you understand the roles, responsibilities, …

Case Study: Almeada and her baby Anne

The case scenario of Almeada, a young mother who is living in a large city with her baby daughter, Anne. Using this scenario, please respond to the following: What are some of the problems in living and major social problems faced by Almeada and her baby Anne?Describe the purpose and …