By now you have read about communication, specifically human language and know that language (words) are symbolic and make meaning.  Language is a powerful cultural tool . It shapes and reshapes our way of going about life in many cases.  For example, look at some of the rhetoric used today, …

unnecessary use of police force

Writing Assignment #4Memo onShort Report to Decision-makerSummary of the Assignment: Task: In this paper, you will write a memo to your instructor. Format in Citing and Listing Sources: no sources requiredDescription of the Memo:This assignment is designed to help prepare you in writing the short report to the decision-maker, which …

Guidelines for Informative Speaking

Examine the guidelines for informative speaking and discuss the potential ethical or legal implications for inaccurate or misinformative speaking. Support your ideas with specific details from at least one real-world example. Remember that your discussion response must include the following: A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us …

China’s one child policy

Assignment Title Article Analysis Aligned Outcomes Empirical and Quantitative Skills, Social Responsibility, Critical Thinking, Communication Skills Description I. Reading Selection: Select an article pertaining to world regional geography covered in this course from a scholarly periodical from the San Jacinto College Library System (either in print or through a database.) …

persuasive speech

Step 1: Find a persuasive speech video on Step 2: Dissect the speech using the rubric attached. This rubric will be used for the delivery of your persuasive speech video. Persuasive Speech Evaluation Form (1).pdfPreview the document Step 3: Discuss your findings via discussion board here. Your response should …

Concluding Essay

For your concluding essay, think about the most likely or significant area of your life where you think you will have some form of intercultural interactions (example: doing business, travel, in the workplace, charity work, relations with people where you live, friendships, etc.). Then, select and write about the two …

US and Saudi Arabia in Yemen – Genocide?

Analysis if the Yemen case amounts to war crimes or genocide, argue that it can be viewed as genocide because of intent to destroy the group  (attacks on cultural property may legitimately be considered as evidence of an intent to physically destroy the group, ICTY ruling in Krstic case).

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Is it helping or hurting our jobs?

Write: For this assignment, review the Annotated Bibliography Formatting Guidelines and address the following prompts:     Introductory paragraph to topic (refer to the Final Paper guidelines for your topic selection).        Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words that clearly explains the topic, the importance …

hominin or primate

Write a 3 page paper on a hominin or primate of your choosing, NOT INCLUDING Homo sapiens. The paper could address the following questions:1.    What is the species and taxonomy?2.    What are anatomical characteristics and how are they similar or different to their ancestors?3.    What are some behavioral traits?a.    How …

War time humor

After World War 2 my mom left Ukraine and went to Germany to live in a displacement camp for 7 years, before she immigrated here to the United States with her mom and brother. While she was in Germany she went to nursing school. While in training she needed to …