Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.    Destination Profile:Write a research paper showcasing the unique and interesting elements of your destination.  Your paper should include the following points:  a.    Historic overview b.    Ethnic & Religious overviewc.    Culture, Traditions, & languagesd.    Labor market what do people do for a living?  Evavluate the current hospitality industry within your …

Article Reviews (30% of final grade)

Instructions are listed in the “article review assignment” file below. The 3 articles I chose are “Deep Play” by Clifford Geertz, “Institutional Ecology” by Star and Griesemer, and “Interpellation and Affect” by Daniel Solomon, but feel free to choose whichever interests you, as long it adds up to 3 points.

United States

Assignment: Society Project Proposal You will explore a society (current or ancient) by reflecting on the six tenets of society: people, sustainability, politics, technology, global citizenship, and ethics. Before you begin this deep investigation, submit a brief 250-500 word description and rationale for the society you would like to investigate. …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Child and Family Case Study Congratulations! You were selected to move on to the interviews for your dream job in Unit 2. For this stage in the application process, you must create a hypothetical case study for a child and family and document your initial biopsychosocial assessment. In this scenario, …

the desire to become a diplomat

Marquette University is my dream school and it is the only school that I believe will help me gain the knowledge I need to get where I want to go. It is a private prestigious university.  write about what is important to me: the ambition of helping people and the …

Women Studies

Analytical Paper: An analytical paper focused on the topic of Women and Sexual assault  answering the the research Why Women stay silent after a sexual assault? from the materials provided below: Must include the following :Introduction, with thesis statement detailing themes by the end Theme # 1 Development, supplementing …

Call-To-Action Speeches about how not to bully people

For this assignment you will give a five to seven minute Persuasive Speech either related to your previous speech, or with the objective of selling the audience a new product or service. Remember that the goal of this speech is to convince us to accept an attitude or to actuate …

Close Reading: Modernity and Witchcraft in West Africa

In brief: REPORT: Students undertake close reading of two anthropological texts on witchcraft in a particular part of the world (as assigned/agreed upon in class), then produce a 1500 word reporting showcasing a close and critical analysis (and comparison) of these texts. Details: Your report should show a very close …


You are to write a three page, double-spaced paper using Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, APA or what your discipline requires for citations and works cited.  Base your writing on chapters one andtwo from the textbooks.  You will need to  augment this with other material from on-line or library research, …