Philippines and sri Lanka

You will write an 8-10-page paper on 2-3 cultures of your choice. This paper will require you to discuss the general overview of your cultures and then a case study that hones in on one area of focus. For example, you may want to write about medical practices, artwork, childrearing …

Philippine and Sri lanka

You will write an 8-10-page paper on 2-3 cultures of your choice. This paper will require you to discuss the general overview of your cultures and then a case study that hones in on one area of focus. For example, you may want to write about medical practices, artwork, childrearing …

Feminist Theory: Historical Perspectives

Write 3 pages for each question. Answer each question with the provided readings I give you. 1. What is intersectionality? Why is an intersectional analysis important to feminist theory? (Reading for this is “Mapping Margins” pdf attached) 2. How does Stryker situate the intervention of the field of transgender studies …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

INTERPERSONAL MOVIE PAPER DIRECTIONSCommunication and Relationships in FilmYou are to select a film and examine several theories of interpersonal communication discussed in your text to see how they are portrayed in film. The focus will be on how communication is used to initiate, maintain, and terminate relationships. The film will …

Human Development

The most central and important debate in the study of human development is the debate of nature vs. nurture, which you read about in Chapter 1, as well as in most upcoming chapters.  Please think about and respond to the following question:When a person is developing, do you believe nature …

Human Development

The most central and important debate in the study of human development is the debate of nature vs. nurture, which you read about in Chapter 1, as well as in most upcoming chapters.  Please think about and respond to the following question:When a person is developing, do you believe nature …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What are the main problems with the Treaty Bodies system and what solutions are offered, if any? In answering, discuss (1) the origins and evolution of the UN Charter System and the Treaty Body system and (2) the essential elements of a good human rights protection system

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In a 5-7 page thesis driven essay: Choose one specific time period or art movement covered in class (beginning with the Romantics and ending with contemporary times). First, define and describe the art period/ movement. Secondly, choose two different forms of artistic expression from the following list and discuss how …

Short story analysis

Write an paper of at least 750 words (excluding quotations, headings, and works cited) in which you make an interpretative claim about the story. Identify a theme and craft a thesis statement that says something interesting about the short story you chose and the theme you’ve identified. Follow the generalized …

Come up with a clear main argument/thesis about immigration

Submit a topic statement and References page for your Final Project. Follow the below steps.You need to cite 5 sourcesReview the course objectives for this class, below:1.      Argue the rewards of learning from others and how to thrive in a cross-cultural world. 2.      Discuss cross-cultural issues …