Rights-based Ethics

In 500 words or more (no less), research the 6 fundamental human rights: The Right to Life, the Right to the Freedom from Harm, the Right to Free Thought, the Right to Free Movement, the Right to Freedom from Slavery, and the Right to Equality of Opportunity. You may use …

Monster rough draft

By now, you’ve spent most of the semester reading and viewing and listening to material about monsters (real or imagined). You’ve summarized and analyzed what other people have said and written about monsters and monstrosity. For this final assignment, you’ll extend the work you’ve done so far by choosing a …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For Week 8, I assigned the two chapters of Koreas Place in the Sun by Bruce Cumings. I hope you follow the format as follows: 1) Please identify the main argument of the author. 2) Please explain what preexisting ideas the author argues against, and how the author supports his …

Fast Fashion waste problem

write about fast fashion waste problem . i have abstract and outline you can use to drive u in right track. Essays should focus on a specific environmental problem (fast fashion waste) , and clearly discuss how a political ecology framework understands that problem and proposes solutions to it, and …


Produce a 45-page essay that addresses critical thinking questions on the topic. Please consider what questions you will research and answer. Examples of critical thinking questions are below:1.    Crypto Currency: a. what is it? b. does this have value? Why? c. how is money different than crypto? d. is it …

Synthesis/Literature Review

Hi, So this is a writing class so the professor is super strict, we are writing in MLA format and we are writing about one specific topic the entire semester, so I have done the first two assignments and I’m missing three. I’ve attached the Syllabus, the 3 assignments due …

Research Paper – Part 3: Subtopics

My topic is “What is the power of big media and how has it changed given technological changes in the last twenty years” You are to choose subtopics of your research essay topicYou should aim to have six to ten subtopics identified which will be subtopics in your final paper. …

Article review of Hammer (2013)

Hammer (2013) is an article from Scientific American and deals with H. sapiens hybridizing with other species of human.  Read the article answer the following questions.  should be at least 2 pages long. 1.  What is the evidence for hybridization discussed here?2.  What are the different models to describe human-nonhuman …

Research in the humanities

TASKResearch in the humanities focuses on interpreting texts, the artifacts of human culture. Researchers in the humanities rely on close reading and observation as their method of data collection. Often this is done by looking for and recognizing themes in a text and analyzing them. Here are some examples of …

Environmental Anthropology

I need to answer 4 prompts for my Anthropology Exam. (More questions within the prompts) Every single question has a WORD COUNT written next to it and it is around 100 words each. (Around 800 in total for all the prompts). Please stick to the word count no less or …