Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a two part order that are both related to each other, I need part 1 of the order completed by July 2nd and I need the other part of the order completed by July 31st The 1st Assignment is a rough draft for Assignment #2 which is a …

Indigenous situation

Do you think that the situation of the natives has improved considerably since 1550 during the Debate on the nature of the indigenous people of Valladolid? yes or no and why? Please support your question with specific examples: quotes from the primary text or news, data, and figures from indigenous …

HUS 530 Weekly Assignment

Based upon a Community Needs Assessment, determine what gaps in service exist in your community. Please contact your instructor if you need assistance in identifying sources of a needs assessment or community plan that outlines such recent research. It is suggested to locate a United Way in your community to …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The research paper will be a 2000-word essay and can either be on a world religion or a current ethical issue. If you choose to write on a world religion, your essay will consider. . . This research paper on a world religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and …

DaimlerChrysler – A Failed Global Merger

Answer only 3 of these questions: 1) In broad terms, what were each of Chryslers and Daimlers motives for entering the merger?  Evaluate the extent to which each firm accomplished these motives. 2) Explain how the DaimlerChrysler merger enhanced economies of scale and scope in the respective firms.  How successful …

Social Media Policies

Select one of the specialized databases listed in previous lessons ( not Google). Search for information related to social media policies in your profession. Answer to the following: Did you find useful information? What questions do you have about accessing or selecting information? Are there any tips or strategies you …

Final Reflextion

Please write a three-to-five-page paper addressing the following questions: How does your worldview influence your understanding of ethics?Why is ethics important for health care? (Reference at least two ethical theories discussed in this course and their relevance to health care.)What does it mean to be a patient advocate, and why …

TEDTalk Critique

Persuasive Speech – Assignment 3: TEDTalk Critique (40%) The primary purpose of this critique assignment is to expose and assess participants knowledge on the fundamental aspects of persuasive speech. Participants are required to choose a TEDTalk video where the speakerdemonstrates elements of persuasive speech. Based on the selected video, provide …

International Relations

The goal of a review essay is to take stock of the assigned readings, by discussing and critiquing various arguments/sides about a phenomenon/issue area. Review essays should be about 4-6 double-spaced pages with paragraph structure, in-text citations, and a bibliography, not to mention correct grammar and spelling. The essays should …