Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss why Womens Studies emerged in the academic community. Refer to at least three learning resources assigned for this week in your response. Some questions to consider (you do not need to answer all of these; they are here to help you get started on a response):         What …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch a culturally based film “Bend It Like Beckham”. Guidelines for observation: Be attentive to behaviors and aspects of life that illustrate well cultural dimensions defined by a theorist. Write your observations applying the most relevant ideas of Halls High/Low Context Cultural Patterns (eBook page 228)Kluckhohns Value Orientations (eBook page …

Final Project, Part 2

Final Project, Part 2. Development of the Topic. I am including my Part 1 also and my subject is about Politics. This part of the final project is a summary of your ongoing work on the final paper; it should include three paragraphs, one covering each selected work. You should …


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS:  Your contributions should be thoughtful and developed.  Answer all parts of the question and use concepts from the course materials.  Use a professional style of communication, with attention to grammar, spelling, and typos; cite your sources.  Choose ONE of the following options for a play and …

Voyages Part II Arrivals: Discussion Questions

For this assignment you will choose a character from the book and answer the discussion questions from his or her point of view. Look through Part II of Voyages to find details about your characters life. Think about how he or she would answer each question. Write your answer using …


Your reading response should demonstrate: 1) that you have read all the required materials; 2) carefully thought through them; 3) and thought of the connections, comparisons, relations between them. While you should draw specific examples from the texts, please minimize quotes and obvious summaries and paraphrases, and focus your efforts …

Discussion Question

What are some of the initial steps in starting your own organization (nonprofit, for-profit or social entrepreneurship?What role does a community assessment play in creating your own organizationIn your posting, discuss additional resources (at minimum 2) (articles, books, videos, websites, blogs, etc.) that you found to be helpful in answering …

Writers Choice (Powerpoint)

PowerPoint (8-16 sides)InstructionsSelection a contemporary artifact It can be a book, film, work of art or artist, musical album or artist, piece of architecture or other cultural production.This should be something that has been particularly meaningful to you, or something that you believe is culturally important. Read the artifactYou should …

Japanese Civilians during WWII Origins and Others

Japanese Civilians during WWII Origins and Others Part 4: Origins and OthersIn an essay of about 5-7 full paragraphs (4-5 sentences each): Use reliable, scholarly sources from UMGC’s library to help you describe or tell your group’s origin story, its creation myth. Remember that this is myth, not history, so …

Electoral college

Read the information referenced in this NY Times link: There are also links to two resources (a video and article) cited in the text of the link . After reading (and perhaps watching the video) answer these three questions. The paper should be a minimum of two-three pages, double-spaced …