In a 250-500 word essay, discuss 2-3 similarities that our current American society shares with ancient Greece. These similarities can be artistic, architectural, political, ideological, or religious, but be sure to include specific details and examples

Be sure to organize the essay clearly. Essays such as this should be divided into at least three separate paragraphs (an introduction with a thesis statement, at least one body paragraph, and a conclusion). Do not turn in an essay made up of one long paragraph. Make sure that your …

South Asian cultures

In this project, students will write an essay that discusses some cultural, political, and identity (mainly issues) in relation to South Asian Cultures. The topic areas are not limited to within any specific subjects; meaning, students can choose any topic/s and their essay/s can address  any topic area that is …

Elder Abuse in Nursing Home Setting

Final Paper MilestoneThe final paper outline is attached below…..Review the content requirements for the Final Paper. Note that one of the key requirements is that you summarize at least one major philosophical and ideological perspective that has influenced the evolution of your human services topic.Provide your perspective on the contributing …

Controversial Topics in Human Services

Controversial Topics in Human ServicesResearch published viewpoints, found in no fewer than two scholarly sources or other credible sources, regarding the pros and cons of legalization of marijuana from the perspective of the human services discipline and profession. Based on these sources, your required readings on controversial issues and marijuana …


1.    Laurenti Magesa, African Religion – The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life. 1997. Maryknoll, N.Y., Orbis Books. Magesa: Chapter 2: pages will be required to submit a typed one page summary of the reading for the week or reflection on assigned documentary/video.  This should include a minimum 150 words …

Critically compare and contrast the typological and population approaches to interpreting human diversity and adaptation. Why is one more appropriate knowing what we know today?

Critically compare and contrast the typological and population approaches to interpreting human diversity and adaptation. Why is one more appropriate knowing what we know today? BASIC EXPECTATIONS FOR EACH ESSAY* Please follow these directions! Failure to do so will result in a subtraction of 5 points for each one– 2 …

Topics in American STudies

For this assignment, propose a topic for essay 1. In your proposal, be sure to explicitly state both the issue that you intend to write about and the moral claim that you intend to argue. You DO NOT need to propose a moral framework.You may also include the reasons that …

Question 1-2

starting with Arthur Elck and “The Tower Room”1)  What is the author discussing about his family and the issues and curses that they face?  What seems to be the core issues/problems that this family is facing?  Give at least 7 complex sentences. Do not use any sources. 2)  Can you …

Human evolution and why it matters

I have to answer this questions Why is the study of this subject relevant according to scholars such as Carl Sagan, Richard Leaky. Donald Johanson?Who are the aforementioned academics and from what academic perspectives have they approached the study of this issue?What disciplines contribute to the construction of this knowledge, …

Fostering :Examine Delivery Models

The over all issue of this paper is talking about is fostering. the case attached is to pull from when identifying the prompt questions on the guidelines Attached is the guidelines please answer all of the prompt questions on there. This paper is an addition to the milestone one that …