
The questions for your written essay are: (1). The Wall Paintings in Livias Villa at Prima Porta are of a similar type. What is it and what does it reveal about Livia? (2)In contrast, the Wall Paintings of Agrippa in his Villa Farnesina are of various types and more complex.  …

Green economy a solution

3. Structure of the report: a. Introduction (good quality comprehensive background of the topic selected; why is this topic needing the attention? what are the main issues addressed in the report? what is the report structure (eg. Section A is for introduction; Section B is for literature review etc.). Use …

Peoples and Cultures of America

Two short essays, each of 750 to 1000 words.  Grades will be based on the strength of the argument and the amount of effective textual evidence in the form of direct quotations and specific examples from course readings that are presented in support of the argument.  No outside sources are …

An Empire for Slavery

For this short summary essay assignment, students will be asked to select one piece of writing from the list below and summarize its content in 1- 1 pages in MLA format. Please think carefully about the selection because you will want to pick a piece of writing that covers a …

Resume job ad and Resume

This is two separate writings, to be written differently in a new page. 1) Job Resume ad2) Resume ( A normal one page resume ) I will attach the required documents and information to help complete with writing. i will attach my future job essay, which will help you write …

Endangered SpeciesAfrican Wild Dogs

You will prepare a 2 page “Info brief” about your assigned species. An Info Brief is a mixed-format document, like a flier, used to share information quickly (see examples below). The goal is to provide people with information that the can access (read/ observe) and understand quickly to help them …

Discussion Question Response5

Please respond to the responses below and have references. This is what i wrote: Based on the review of technology usage by nonprofit organizations, it is visible that they have been able to expand their operational capacity. Although technology is integrated into the nonprofit sector at a slower rate than …


Last week’s learning resources talked about the relationship between Women’s Studies and Feminism. This week’s learning resources focus on the changes in our society as a result of feminist activism, and how feminism continues to develop. FIRST, explain in your own words how Women’s Studies and Feminism are related. How …

Guidelines and Best Practices of fostering

This assignment is a continuation of one whole project. it is part 3. attached is milestone one and milestone two. Also attached is the guidelines and rubric which has almost all of the information you will need when completing this assignment. the last thing attached is the case study that …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose: To show your ability to answer a client-specific report brief by researching appropriate information from the library, organising content into a report structure, writing coherent sentences and paragraphs using clear vocabulary and grammar, and formatting your writing to tertiary-level academic standards. Assignment question:Choose one of the topics below for …