chapter 3 assignment koko

While ASL is indeed a full, complete language (incidentally, unrelated to English), does Kokos signing demonstrate that she was using ASL at its full extent?  What level of fluency did Koko demonstrate?  What does this indicate, if anything, about how closely related humans are to other apes?,years%20of%20living%20with%20humans.&text=If%20you’ve%20read%20the,mastering%20the%20ability%20to%20talk.

Tradition and modernity

Tradition and Modernity: Misplaced Polarities in the Study of Social Change /Joseph R. Gusfield) In his article, the author is challenging the linear (phased)  theory of modernization (that is intended to bring modernity to non western societies): he is using the term fallacies to show that the bases of the …


The Reaction Paper Assignment You will be writing a 1,000 word Reaction Paper in this course using the instructions and links found below. You will be completing the following tasks and gathering the following information for your paper: Watch the epigenetics video from PBS available as a YouTube link in …

Informative Speech on “”Climate Change”””

****PLEASE ASK IF ANY QUESTIONS AND MAKE SURE YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THE DIRECTIONS******* At least four different credible sources of information are required.  Sources refer to the people or places where you get your information for your speech, such as books, articles, websites, documentaries, interviews with people credible on …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this Assignment, you are going to choose a historical or current law that impacts a culturally diverse group. Begin by choosing a culturally diverse ethnic group (Native Americans, South Asian Americans, Latino/a Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans, and African Americans) that you will focus on for this paper. Be sure to …

Managing Boundaries in the Helping Process

Managing boundaries is an everyday reality faced by human service professionals, particularly those who live and practice in small communities. Helpers who work in rural communities may have greater challenges in dealing with multiple relationships than those who work in urban areas. Assignment Scenarios Scenario 1A human service professional discovers …

primary source analysis

please read the prompt carefully For this assignment, you need to analyze this primary source — demonstrate that you can connect this text with relevant historical information. The following questions can guide your writing: What do Mary Paik Lee’s observations about her parents and laborer community reflect about family, social …

analyzation of two chosen artifacts

I would like to compare the art pieces seen within screenshots (Sargon II’s citadel, Khorsabad gate with two winged and human-headed bulls) and another Assyrian artifact. it can be anything from around the same time. Overview: Choose two works of art of any style. At least one work must be …

Health and Wealth

This is just a draft.  However, the life scenario that I would like to use is.  I am a sickly person and I consider myself blessed not wealthy so there are times that I had to choose not to go to the doctors because of finances.  Recently I had an …


Please provide a power point on the paper I will attach. Students will present their technology project during week 7 of the course. Students will create a PowerPoint presentation on their technology management paper, with a minimum of 10 slides, utilizing speaker notes and embedded voice/audio. (see end of syllabus …