Oral History Project Plan

InstructionsSpecial COVID19 instructions: Because of the risks associated with the outbreak of COVID19, all Oral History interviews should be performed remotely, unless you are interviewing someone you already see in person daily. “Remote” modes of interview can include email, telephone, and videoconferencing (FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, etc.).This requirement should remain in place …

Profile of Classmate

The profile is about one of my classmates. She is a Chinese girl. The interview answer sheet is provided. Please build a story for her based on the information provided, including her words or paraphrasing her words in the article. Please be objective, and not exaggerated. Do not use any …

Informative speech on EFFECTS OF PANDEMIC

****PLEASE ASK IF ANY QUESTIONS AND MAKE SURE YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THE DIRECTIONS******* At least four different credible sources of information are required.  Sources refer to the people or places where you get your information for your speech, such as books, articles, websites, documentaries, interviews with people credible on …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an essay that thinks through your understanding of what is Queer Studies and respond to the following quote: Where is the space in queer studies for a feminist who still believes that state sanctioned marriage is one of the most insidious forms of institutionalized racism? Sharon Holland. You cannot …

Final Presentation Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Create a 34 page outline of your presentation in a Word document, ensuring that your presentation is appropriately tailored to your target audience, which is the family in the study *This is the case that is attached HSE 325 Case* Use the case study that.Be sure to address all critical …

Don Quijote. Ensayo 1.

TOPIC: In what ways is Don Quixote an ineffective hero?Be as specific as possible, using short quotes from the text to support your ideas. It is not necessary to consult secondary sources but if they do, they MUST cite them following the MLA format. Failure to do so means incurring …

First Short paper..make your own histography The Greek development of historiography was a major new intellectual tool through which Humans could understand their lives and world. I will soon post a video on historiography. The sort of historiography

First Short paper..make your own histography The Greek development of historiography was a major new intellectual tool through which Humans could understand their lives and world.  I will soon post a video on historiography. The sort of historiography Herodotus created, while it admitted stories and myths that had no factual …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is the assignment you need to write 750 PROPOSAL. First write 750 proposal, and then write 2000 words according to your framework. Write a paper proposal in the first person. It’s not a small paper, it’s a plan / blueprint.The following two pictures show the requirements and themes ofreacharch …

The interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

“Write a 5-page that includes a summary and critical analysis of at least three themes from Olaudah Equianos memoir. I expect students to properly cite direct quotations from the book, I will provide guidelines for this as we get closer to the deadline.”There’s a free copy of the book here:https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Interesting_Narrative_of_the_Life_of/JEnsF5GokqMC?hl=en&gbpv=0


In 250 or less write about the adverse effects and birth defects about  the drug thalidomide. Trace the history of the drug and research the prescription drug thalidomide which has been found to cause birth defects . trace its effects from the time of its development through the period it …