Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the basic facts from the episode Needle in a Haystack as a guide to complete this assignment. Choose Medical, Legal, or Ethical to complete this final case study based on the following fact pattern: Mr. Lippa, Stevies father, believes that his son was mistreated at the hospital, so he …

The Tyrant

In the episode, The Tyrant, Chase, Cameron, and Foreman treat a political leader whose regime is accused of promoting genocide. Please use only the characters Chase, Cameron, or Foreman in answering the question. For this paper, you may choose to answer one of the following. Please identify which question you …

Both sides now

In the House episode, Both Sides Now, the normative principle of autonomy is explored and seriously called into question. In a well-formulated, thesis-driven essay, discuss the issue of autonomy in this episode. Be sure to include the following in your response. Define the general normative principle of autonomy. Analyze how …


in 600 words, work through the history of this practice in the world. What do we know of it today? What has history forgot to tell us? Who is left in the shadow, and needs to be recognized? You are required to engage with at least two articles from throughout …

Pragmatics and semantics observation assignment

2. Pragmatics and Semantics.    Over the next few days, observe verbal interactions (in any language you understand fluently) and the settings in which they occur around you. Choose ONE (a, b, or c) of the following issues to address, citing examples from your observations to support your answer. a) Find …

Compare and Contrast

Answer the following TWO questions: 1. Both Domingo Sarmiento and Jos Mart grappled with the question of whatdirection should be taken by the independent nations of Spanish America. Inhis writings, offered what we might call plans for the future of his countries. These plans were based on specific visions of …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Case Study:  The 9/11 Commission Report.  Pages 1-14, and 47-70. 1.    On September 11, 2001, nineteen members of al Qaida carried out a coordinated attack on New York City and Washington D.C. Why did AQ target the U.S. with attacks?  2.    What did AQ hope to achieve?  3.    Why did …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Much has been made recently of issues of free speech and political correctness. Discussion has been particularly focused campus activities in the U.S. colleges, as well as confrontations between opposing groups. Sometimes, disagreements stem from differing expectations of classroom topics and/or trigger warnings when discussing certain topics. On other occasions, …

One-page Content Exercise

This is just a practice run to give you a first try at writing about a social media topic or trend. For this exercise, you will cover your topic of choice within one page, double spaced. 1) Choose a topic from your trend search, or an issue that you find …