Any topic (writer’s choice)

400 word essay I couldn’t put exactly 400 on the pages section look at the list of fallacies hand out below then apply any of them that best suites the 3 different social media example comments / circled that’s also attached below only follow this list of fallacies handout attached …

How spatial designs have changed because of covid 19

For the major project in this course, you will conduct research, form an argument, and then present your argument to two different audiences. Your topic must, in some form, address a specific way the built environment or spatial design in the U.S. impacts society. Throughout this course, we are examining …

news report

News Report Requirements:The subjects we cover in WMST 200 appear in the news daily. Part 1 of the Current Topic Project is a report on a news article which will connect our course work to the most current developments of interest to the field, especially those that impact people’s day-to-day …

fallacie assignment

400 word essay I couldn’t put exactly 400 on the pages section look at the list of fallacies hand out below then apply any of them that best suites the 3 different social media example comments / circled that’s also attached below only follow this list of fallacies handout attached …

Human Development Across the Lifespan

Choose a health issue, psychological disorder or problem behavior and discuss how biological, cognitive, socioemotional, and contextual factors relate to it at a particular stage during the lifespan. You can discuss how biological, cognitive, socioemotional and contextual factors influence the problem (e.g., how do neurological problems influence the development of …

Assignment 1

Assignment 1:Student is to interview a chosen human service organization/company leader to become educated on that particular organizations structure and function. A 4 page paper should include the following information:    organizational chart    funding sources    population(s) served    history/background    specific services provided are the evidence based or evidence guided; are they accredited    …

Women in the Civil Rights Movement

1250 WORDSA MINIMUM OF 3 PEER-REVIEWED SCHOLARLY ARTICLES. Research Essay Information- Argumentative essay assignments generally call for extensive research of previously published material. Detailed research allows the student to learn about the topic and to understand different points of view regarding the topic so that she/he may choose a position …

Media Coverage of Covid-19 in Asian Countries

TOPIC SELECTION – Strictly “Media Coverage” of Covid-19 in Asian countries- Your topic must address a global social issue, preferably with both local and far-reaching consequences. You may choose to focus on the medias treatment of the issue entirely, or examine media coverage of the issue in comparison across different …

Child welfare : fostering

Use the case study that is attached. This case study should relate to the selected issue from your child welfare issue paper (Final Paper/Fostering). Using this case study, you will design a presentation for the family in the study that will provide education around the laws, regulations, and resources available …


Your answers to each of these questions should be at least one paragraph (6-7 sentences) long, and it should show some thoughtful consideration regarding the matters raised in the questions.  Your total set of answers to these questions needs to be at least 200 words.  Also, when you reply to …