How Does Digital Technology Shape Literacy?

Write 1 page on the following questions:– What does it mean when we say something is “digital”? What makes something “digital”?– What does it mean to talk about “the digital ecosystem” or “the digital age”?– How does digital technology shape how people read and write?– What types of literacies are …

Chinese traditional culture

“Based on the information that we read in our textbook, learned in the lectures, choose one of the Three Teachings (Confucianism, Daoist, or Buddhism) as a basis to live your life. Which one would you choose and why? You may choose one teaching, two, all three, or none.  If you …

philosophical synthesis

Unit 2 Essay PromptToo often in modern discourse we structure our interactions along binaries of us/them, right/wrong, this/that, and so on.  If you and your interlocutors are in the same camp on an issue, then little intellectual advancement occurs as the core tenets are simply left assumed and unexamined critically.  …

Global Societal Problem, Argument and Solution

The topic of your essay needs to be a global societal problem from the following list: Climate changePollutionReligious conflict and violenceRise of artificial intelligenceLack of educationUnemployment and lack of economic opportunityGovernment accountability and corruptionFood and water securityInternational drug traffickingPoverty and income inequalityReflect: Based on the topic that you have chosen, …

Aztec Art Double Headed Serpent

This essay is on explaining the double headed serpent Prompt 1:Using the space provided below, further analyze the work of art in at least two fully developed paragraphs with at least 200 words using the following guidelines: Describe the main social, historical, and cultural contexts of the work? Refer to …

Evaluating the Ideology of Terrorist Group (Al-Shabaab)

Using the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. Discuss the following: 1. History of the group. 2. Ideology. What did the group believe, and how did that provide direction to the strategy and tactics employed by the group? 3. Variables. Other than ideology, discuss strategy, tactics, accounting (financing), recruitment, and target selection used …

Body Modification

You will need to answer the following questions about the article you choose. In the paper you turn in, write out each question and answer it according to your article.1. The first part of your final is the article citation. Do not copy how I have cited the paper. Your …

Current Event Project

The Current Event Project: The main goal of the Current Event Project is to demonstrate comprehension of a key conceptthat we studied about democracy in class by applying it toward understanding and explaining anissue that played a role in a recent event. The purpose of studying democracy as an ideaexpressed …