Searching for appropriate grants

Searching for Appropriate GrantsFor this assignment, search for appropriate grants or funding sources for the real-world organization you have selected to use in all of your assignments (from the second discussion in Unit 1). The grants should be ones your organization would be qualified to receive and that are a …

Response to pages Between the World and Me -Ta Nehisi Coates

1. A reflection paper is your identification of the main themes of the readings integrated with your classroom experience and how both affect your thinking and practice.2. A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read and experienced. It is meant to …


To complete exercise 1 on page 157, read the statements from “a” to “g”; don’t copy them into your answers’ paper but provide an explanations for each one of them, marking each answer  with the letter of the statement you are analyzing. You have to clearly state what criteria for …

The role of demography and life history in human evolution

A 1500 word essay based on Kramers (2019) article titled: How There Got to Be So Many of Us (formal citation below). Using the primary article as a baseline, undertake research of primary sources, evaluate them and assemble a coherent argument. (Must use article provided along with 3 to 4 …

Bronze culture in Sanxingdui & The Way with Dao

Each topic chosen must come from a different area in traditional Chinese culture, art and philosophy in ancient China, which allows you to express an informed opinion bases on what you have learned so far. Your paper is expected to be an extended response to, or analysis of, some of …


Choose from Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 11, p. 189 or Case 16, p. 181 and compose an 800-word written analysis in which you identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Take a balanced moral position offering a recommendation or a policy resolution. Please draw on any three …


Choose from Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 11, p. 189 or Case 16, p. 181 and compose an 800-word written analysis in which you identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Take a balanced moral position offering a recommendation or a policy resolution. Please draw on any three …


Your answers to each of these questions should be at least one paragraph (6-7 sentences) long, and it should show some thoughtful consideration regarding the matters raised in the questions.  Your total set of answers to these questions needs to be at least 200 words.  Also, when you reply to …