Addiction, Tolerance, Withdrawal

For this assignment, you are to write a paper 5 pages, excluding the cover page and references page, addressing the differences between addiction, tolerance and withdrawal. You will first need to research the effects for the following classes of psychoactive drugs: opiates (heroin, Fentynal, Oxycodone); stimulants (Methamphetamine, Cocaine, MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), …

Discussion Question Response8

Please respond to question 1 and 2. Please make sure you have a reference for each question. There are many technological challenges that affect the management of people in an organization. As a human services leader, it is important to minimize most of these burdens in order to deliver reliable …

Grand strategy in Japan from the Meiji Era to the present

You should structure the essay, ensure it has a flow from the introduction to the conclusion, and have a clear and cogent argument.  The organizational structure of the essay overall, the flow of the argument, the use of evidence to support the argument, and the use of sources are all …


Last week’s course module reading introduced the concept of Body Politics. This week’s readings add the concept of difference to body politics, and ask us to think about how women’s bodies can situate them within multiple identity categories. FIRST, define “intersectionality” (or “intersectional feminism”) in your own words.THEN, discuss how intersectional identity …


The student will construct a 3-4 page essay detailing their Ethnographic experience (topic previously approved in unit 2) involving participant-observation of a cultural event conducted during the current semester. There are two main portions of the essay, the description of the experiences (extracted from field notes) and the analysis of …


A one page maximum motivation letter stating the following: 1/Why the candidate wants to volunteer in the development field, 2/What makes me the best candidate for this volunteering opportunity. brief about the position i am applying for. – It is in Egypt for PPI PROGRAMMING TEAM The objective of this …

Sibling Relationships.

Must have 4 resourcesThe paper should have an introduction to your topic, followed by an analysis and discussion of your informative sources, and a summary. use APA styleAt least one of the sources must be from a book, journal, reputable magazine or newspaper use at least four sources but use …

Writers choice

Question: For centuries, people believed that Great Zimbabwe was built by either by the biblical King Solomon, or by Queen Sheba, or the ancient Phoenicians from the ancient Middle East. Why do you think people believe these stories even if there was no evidence to prove it? Below are some …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each essay must 1) have a specific title related to the question, 2) providespecific examples and references, 3) be three pages long (total: nine pages). 1. Discuss to what extent and in what ways Neo-Confucian thought affectedwomens lives and family culture in traditional Korea. Discuss both positive andnegative aspects in …