Research paper anthropology

The instructions my profesor gave me are as follows (reach me so I can give you access to the courses online textbook): In 8-10 pages, double spaced, you will discuss the impact of religion upon culture and society. That is, using the material covered in this class plus your individual …

Article Evaluation

analyze the feature stories and the techniques of storytelling, the story itself, and the writing style of the article.nuts-and-bolts analysis of the writing. Think of this as a critique of the work, an analysis of the form, and thinking about why what you read was included in the story. The …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each student will prepare a paper (5-7) pages, double-spaced) describing the history and current scope of a social problem, identifying a current policy to address it, and evaluating the success of that policy. The following are examples of social problems you may select: health care, poverty, homelessness, hunger, discrimination, and …

Discussion Question Response2

Think about all that you have read in chapters 2 and 3 and also what you watched on the video. What do you think you need to consider when developing your fundraising development strategy for the agency of your choice? Consider fundraising tools, skills, and equipment in your plan. Websites: …

Native American and west African diversity

The lives and cultures of Africans and American Indians were radically and irrevocably altered as a result of their contact with Europeans, and the enslavement and marginalization of these groups had a profound impact on the development of colonial America leading up to the Revolutionary War.  For the first essay …

Discussion Broad

After reading the attached essay, Were all Confident Idiots by David Dunning, watch the attached segments of Jimmy Kimmels Lie Witness News and respond to the questions below. Be sure to reply to at least one peers post with a question, comment, or observation. 1.) What do the answers of …

Parts of Speech

As mentioned in one of the videos, we often use two means to define what a syntactic category or part of speech is in a given language: the semantic approach and the formal approach. When we are very young, we are told to define nouns as ‘people, places, and things’ …

Techniques Data Collection

For your discussion this week, integrate one or a combo of the data collection techniques discussed in Schensul and LeCompte. How do they overcome initial limitations to observation, mapping and interviewing? In what ways do they help you think about your own research interests? Their examples do not use social …

Global water access project

Global poverty and development practiceproject a short-to-medium term effort organized by an institution or actor to make a change on a condensed level. 1) identify the poverty alleviation and/or development project related to water access that has sought to achieve a specific goal2)to analyze the make-up and outcomes of the …