Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a compressed and precise writing assignment to gauge your ability to transpose theory into cultural analysis. The goal is a one-page single-spaced essay to begin with a thesis and end with a conclusion. 1.  Define Freud’s notion of the double and describe how it relates to the concept …

“Gettysburg Address”

No American school child gets to high school without encountering Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” in at least a partial way.  Lincoln delivered this short speech, and American Rhetoric provides us multiple versions of the speech (text and audio links) for our review.  You will listen to three actor versions: Jeff …

Politics and War

Write two discussion questions for each readings ( Four(4) questions total). Please try to write a comment before the question. See the example below: Christia’s model is based on the assumption that alliances in civil wars are instrumental — actors enter into them based on power calculations in order to …

Teen drug and/or alcohol abuse

MY TOPIC SHOULD BE WRITTEN ON Teen drug and/or alcohol abuse**** DO NOT USE THE EXAMPLES IN DIRECTIONS FOR THE TOPIC THESE ARE DIRECTIONS ON HOW THE PAPER SHOULD BE WRITTENThe pattern for development for this speech is simple: The IntroductionIdentify the problem. This is usually a societal problem, but …

Critical Analysis

PRIMARY DOCUMENT ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT This assignment will have you analyze the primary source documents posted along with this assignment handout on the assignments tab of our course site to see what you can learn about the time period in which it was written. The structure of the assignment should be …

Sex (Work) and the City

No more than 500 words (excluding quotes) Read Time Square Read (ONLY PART 1) + Vanessa Carlisle, How to Build a Hookers Army; Molly Smith and Juno Mac Sex Workers are the Original Feminists from Revolting Prostitutes; Selena the Stripper Foreword to We Too: Sex Work in the Wake of …

Healthy Emotions

THE BOOK NAME IS Essentials of Life-Span Development 4th editionBy: John Santrock Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education  I BELIEVE YOU CAN FIND THE FREE COPY ONLINE Attachment theory is one of the most important theories of social and emotional development, offering an explanation for how children develop trust and security within …

ethical questions in RGB documentary & LA times article

Part 1 RGB essay1. Please watch the movie RGB. please discuss the ethical questions brought inside the movie in both government and medias sides3. refer to this podcast : Part 2 LA times article analysis1. Please read the article please discuss the ethical questions in the article


Your reading response should demonstrate: 1) that you have read all the required materials; 2) carefully thought through them; 3) and thought of the connections, comparisons, relations between them. While you should draw specific examples from the texts, please minimize quotes and obvious summaries and paraphrases, and focus your efforts …

The Venus Figurines

The artifact I chose is the VENUS FIGURINES The main goal of this paper is to apply a scientific approach to the subject of your research. In this vein, your paper will be based on valid scientific evidence to reconstruct past civilizations. You must include specific archaeological findings that support …