herbs for medicine

Please, submit your Final Speech topic,  General Purpose, Specific Purpose, Central Idea, and Main points on Monday. Make sure to present them in the format of speech outlines discussed in your textbook, pages 160-162: Topic: Prompt selected from the list of topics for your Final Speech. General Purpose: To inform …

Teaching the Epidemic

It is 2040 and you are writing the story of the Covid-19 epidemic from the vantage point of the future to tell the world if in 2020 we should have expected the worst or not and why. In 850-950 words. use the historical approaches described in your readings to reconstruct …

Gender Performativity

Performativity: Explain the two different ways we perform, according to Judith Butler. Then identify which of these two forms of performativity Judith Butler thinks we do with gender. Unpack why this differentiation is important and the potential  problems that could come in understanding gender as the other kind of performance. …

Writers choice

Question: By what means Islam spread to Africa? How did Islam shape/impact African culture and how did African culture in turn, shape Islam and Islamic practices? [Online]    Read the below passage and generate your own answer the question above:The online narrative, Islam and Indigenous African Culture described Islam as …

Museum Visitation Report

During this term and due to social distance requirements you could select to visit a Museum or Gallery on a virtual modality. You will need to upload a picture that would identify the Museum and any piece you mention in your essay. These poster exhibitions are free to download, and …

Nuclear Proliferation

read: Kyle Beardsley and Victor Asal, Winning with the Bomb.  Journal of Conflict Resolution.  Vol. 53, no. 2 pp. 278-301.  Iran.  Everything You Want to Know About the Iran Nuclear Deal.  The Economist, April 5, 2015.https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2015/04/05/everything-you-want-to-know-about-the-iranian-nuclear-deal Question:1.    On July 14, 2015 President Obama (along with the leaders of China, France, …

Advertising Analysis

Use the following steps to analysis (from Lester) and choose one analytical approach to analyze ONE TV ad of your choice. If you do not have cable or have access to TV advertisements, check out some ads on YouTube and choose one that interests you. Consider authorship. Who created this …

Advertising Analysis

Use the following steps to analysis (from Lester) and choose one analytical approach to analyze ONE TV ad of your choice. If you do not have cable or have access to TV advertisements, check out some ads on YouTube and choose one that interests you. Consider authorship. Who created this …

Documentary Critical Review

Course Assignment Documentary critical review 20% Critical Review criteria:  The purpose of this assignment is to give the student(s) an opportunity to examine how representations of Indigenous people are handled in the popular, contemporary documentary/media industry. Specifically, in a documentary media review Watch the documentary with a critical eye and …