how does black culture influence society

This course serves a primer of the Black Experience globally, but primarily focused on the United States. However, Black American cultures, including diasporic Black cultures have had a profound influence on global events and cultures. This includes languages, cuisines, music, religion, etc. Using examples from the course and from your …

The advent, rise and spread of Islam in Africa

For this assignment, you are required to write a 3-5 page paper (excluding Cover and Reference pages) in which you examine the advent, rise and spread of Islam in Africa. Identify the elements that made the Religion attractive to the people. Be sure to include information from your readings, documentaries …


Race, Policing, and Prisons DiscussionMany advocates, scholars, and activists are now calling to ‘defund’ the police and/or abolish prisons. Do you support these ideas? Why or why not? What alternative ways for addressing social problems can you think of, if the power of these institutions is lessened? Reference at least …

intro to ED

please read the book that I uploaded for you and write an Essay-This is a 200-400 words report by review and summary on a book that I gave you. – The structure of the report is to be          (1) [objective] summary of the book.      …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topics for the Term Paper:1. Discuss the relevance/role of Confucianism in the modern world.2. Can Daoist philosophy of non-action (wuwei) contribute to a remedy for environmental issues?3. What Daoist values may benefit the world today? In which ways?4. Analyze an issue in gender discrimination against women in Chinese culture.5. Analyze …


Pick one. What ethnography did you choose and why? What were some of the highlights and key points of the ethnography you chose. Reflect on the elements of the ethnography by using the worksheet.  Reading Ethnographies.pdfPreview the document. Attach your notes to your written submission. You should choose a combo …

Why does research matter?

In the article by U.S. News and World Report, it states the following: “Many different kinds of careers are going to present students with challenges that don’t have obvious answers. At the end of the day, that is the best description of what research is all about: We’ve found an …

Maya Angelou

Select a person of interest in history talked about in class and write a 4-5 page paper. Include where they are from, when did they get started in their profession and any trials and tribulations encountered in life. Pick a piece of their work and talk about it and write …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Over this course, you may find some of the assigned reading chapters more interesting or challenging than others, depending on your own background, interests, or beliefs. This assignment gives you the opportunity to interact more deeply and share your insights on one such chapter. You are responsible for submitting a …