Social Development and Adolescence: Human Services Ethics and Interventions

Assignment DirectionsFor this assignment, you will be reading a case scenario in your text and responding to questions related to the impact of the environment on behavior and choices, the impact of the client-human services professional relationship, and how identifying potential ethical issues and the National Organization for Human Services …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is not an essay but a presentation script. The main topic of the presentation is China Three Gorges Dam. My task is to present the Outcome and Implications of this huge project. So, just focus on the outcome and implications. Furthermore, this essay should be written in a presentation …


For this assignment, you will write a 1400-1700 word essay (double-spaced with standard margins and 12 pt. Times New Roman fontthis word count should include all citations and your bibliography, and will normally work out to be 5-6 pages) in response to the following prompt: Based on your reading of …

Protestant Reformant

The Protestant Reformation entailed massive changes to how Europeans thought about religion. What was the nature of these changes and how did they differ from medieval Catholic doctrine? Consider contemporary critiques of the church, measures Protestant leaders proposed to address them, and the responses of the church, secular leaders, and …

Indigenous londond

Now that you have read and discussed Indigenous London, it is time to write a formal book review about it.  Scholars write book reviews all the time. It is one way we quality check each other’s published works. Even if you are not pursuing a career in higher education, learning …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Describe how women and/or gender played an essential role in the development of America? Explain your answer. Please answer ONE of the following questions. Your response should be in essay format and should contain an argumentative thesis statement, introduction, conclusion, and well-organized body paragraphs.


READ THE EXCERPTS FROM IBRAM KENDI’S BOOK. See under FILES. For Chapter 2: Dueling Consciousness — W. E. B. Du Bois writes about double-consciousness in The Souls of Black Folk as a sense of always looking at ones self through the eyes of others. How can this dueling consciousness nourish …

Perspective in the humanities

You will be submitting your Project 1 artifact chart in Module Five, so take this opportunity to identify any questions you may struggle with and reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns you have.______________________________________________________________________ MY  ARTIFACT is  THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. ______________________________________________________________________________

Perspective in the humanities

Investigate major developments in the humanities for informing critical questions related to human culture and endeavors Articulate the value of the humanities for their impact on contemporary issues focusing on how humans generate unique meaningsPromptArticulate the value of human creative expression to the advancement of human culture. Be sure to …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Requirements:1. Choose a theme, such as the structure of language; language change; language and culture; codeswitching; nonverbal communication; diglossia, etc.2. Start by deciding which movie; episode; documentary you want to review.3. Write at least four paragraphs including (Intro., body, and conclusion).4. Revise, edit, and proofread the review Guidelines for writing …