Subculture/Venice Beach CA

I have to write an analytical essay comparing Venice Beach CA with Dick Hebdige’s articles Function of Subculture and The Unnatural Break. It’s for my Cultural studies class and is about understanding and reading the world around us, so reading Venice Beach, located as it is in its particular moment …

Discussion Question Response1

Please respond to the Question 1  and 2. Please make sure they have references for each..Please reference the video as well. This is what i wrote:Human services are a critical component of the United States society (Bray, 2016). After watching the video, there were a lot of things that I …

Anti-Asian Hostility

The following prompt addresses the material in chapters 5 and 6 of The Making of Asian America. Of the following six categories of anti-Asian hostility listed below, rank them in order from most-to-least impactful on Japanese and Korean immigrants in the United States (including the territory of Hawaii). Why did …


For Paper 2, please write an essay of between 1200-1600 words examining the way two different news organizations have covered and are covering the 2020 Presidential Campaign. At least one of the publications should be based in the United States. The other can be based in the US or in …

The Monomyth Essay

Instructions for The Monomyth analysis essay assignmentI am also extending you the opportunity to do the assignment using a narrative other than the myths that we read from the book.  If you choose to analyze another narrative structure you still must follow the same basic instructions below, but you will …

Why are young adults returning to live at home? What are the benefits of parent-child coresidency? What are the challenges facing both parents and their adult children?

Section A: InstructionsPurpose 1. To demonstrate your ability to write competently in English for New Zealand university study write clearly and precisely present the arguments and ideas of others acknowledge ideas from academic sources appropriately use appropriate levels of formality in academic writingWeighting 40% of your total course mark 30 …

The Problem With Average Solutions

Read the article The Problem With Average Solutions Think about a time that made a big “decision” (for example: where to go to school, where to live, what car, phone or computer to purchase).  In 400 words or less, write up about: What led you to make your decision?What …

Why are young adults returning to live at home? What are the benefits of parent-child coresidency? What are the challenges facing both parents and their adult children?

Section A: InstructionsPurpose 1. To demonstrate your ability to write competently in English for New Zealand university study write clearly and precisely present the arguments and ideas of others acknowledge ideas from academic sources appropriately use appropriate levels of formality in academic writingWeighting 40% of your total course mark 30 …

6-day/Yom Kippur

This unit focuses on the introduction of intelligence collection, especially within the United States Intelligence Community. Given what you know at this stage about intelligence collection, especially as it pertains to national security and the 5 disciplines of intelligence collection, review the two assigned videos and conduct a critical comparative …

Oil Production Business

As an Intelligence Analyst in the commercial world, you would often be asked by your superiors to gather open source intelligence regarding a wide range of topics that impact your company. It would not be uncommon for you to be assigned to collect, process, and analyze information pertaining to the …