Queer Politics: Theory Meets Identity

The article/book should be the focus of your writing. A reading response paper is your opportunity to demonstrate that you understand the material and are thinking about the issues the material raises. So you want to be very focused on the material and the arguments and claims the authors make. Quote from …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find a cause you are passionate about to do with sociology. I would recommend finding a problem within your community. Research the problem as you would normally do for a research paper (What is the problem? Why do we have this problem? Is the problem becoming worse? What are some …

Program Funding and Implementation

Program Funding and Implementation1.    Please explain how the program you are designing will be funded. 2.    What are some potential public and private funding sources, including grants, local, state and federal revenue?  (AREA DUVAL COUNTY, FL).3.    Next, create a timeline with phases to implement your program.4.    Last, imagine what obstacles …


Each student is required to read a current affairs article dealing with some fact of travel and tourism. The article may be found in magazines, newspapers, or on the internet. The article is to be current, that is, within a week of the assigned submission date. Your synopsis of the …

Homo erectus and Acheulean Tools

You must provide detailed answers to each question for full credit. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks, but copying will not be enough to get a high …

Intellectual Development and Giftedness

Review intellectual development and giftedness. 1. Read the following short article: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/04/gifted-and-talented-programs-separate-students-race/587614/ 2. Write a post answering the following questions: Did you have a gifted-and-talented program at your school growing up? Did you notice any of the discussed racial disparities within your own childhood educational opportunities? What are 1-2 ways …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prosocial behavior is encouraged at a young age in many households. This practice helps promote empathy, a responsibility towards community and family, and understanding of the needs of others. 1. Answer the following questions: What prosocial practice were you exposed to growing up? This could be a practice learned from …

earliest memories.

You were once an infant, so you too have probably experienced infantile amnesia. In this assignment, you will identify your earliest memories. Identify your earliest memory, and consider the following questions:Describe how old you were in your earliest memory, and what you remember.

Building Trust in Collaborative Relationships

Assignment Overview The purpose of building trustworthy relationships among organizations is to help human services leaders to find donors, secure grants and funding, advocate for change, educate communities and clients, or even propose interventions in their own organizations. This assignment will help you to recognize the importance of trust, illustrate …