20 and 21 century humanities

Ch. 36 discussion – Gender EqualityMarisabel Irizarry4 4 unread replies. 4 4 replies.EXPLORE: After reading chapter 36 (pages 463-474), explore the learning materials for the chapter found here.DO THIS: PART 1: Pick one work of literature OR one work of art from the chapter that you really like and explain …

Cultrual DIversity

The paper should be 3 pages and should observe, compare and contrast two families of different ethnicity and/or race and compare and contrast including, but not limited to; the culture, values, ethnicity, customs, family expectation, interactions, role etc. of the families (Incorporate information and knowledge gained from texts and supplemental …


informative essay about cricket with visual aides. minimum of of two pages. It will be five minutes speech,mostly based on facts and figure.The facts are presented about a specific topic.It is necessary to have at least three reliable  sources to support claims.add some life by using visual aids, images or …

Homo Naledi

Create a profile for the Homo Naledi, please put everything on one slideThis should include pictures maybe one face and one body like a dating profileIt should contain the follow sections/answers to questions BE SUCCINT and/or use images/illustrations! What are your best physical features and why? What are your special …

People and Cultures of the America

Film Analysis Midterm Question–minimum 1000 to 1200 words: Compare and contrast the role that kinship plays in at least 2 films (Gentefied episodes, A Better Life, Sin Nombre, Roma).  Consider kinship from a variety of different angles, including the formation of kinship bonds you forge or claim for yourself, struggles …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A teenager in your family has emailed you (knowing you are studying Modern Culture) and asked you to explain Atheistic Existentialism, and whether you believe it to be a useful basic life philosophy. Write him/her back with a clear explanation, state your opinion of it, and give your reasons for …

Australia/ New Zealand Aboriginal Cultures

Extra credit assignment.Read about the topic from any sourceNotes on the topics are available through canvas assignmentWatch Religions of Small Societies (Video) – Library Media Reserve.Watch Religions of the World: Native American Spirituality (video). Media Reserve.Write an essay of your understanding of these topicsLength: At least two pages long.  Introduction, …

Discussion Question Response3

Please look at the video and answer the questions in you own words Review the number of events that are possible fundraisers and then practice developing a budget. Go to page 251-252 in Effective Fundraising and do the Projected Special Event Expenses Worksheet #6. You can begin to see how …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper on Paper on Islam and Jesus The research paper: special written assignment, a culminating project for the course. The paper will incorporate the required readings for the course. You may also pursue further research, such as reading from the general bibliography, use of other books approved by the instructor, …