Any topic (writer’s choice)

Midterm Exam In a 1,000 word essay, compare, contrast, and analyze the organization, methods, and history of criminal organizations within at least two different nations. Make appropriate use, in-text citation, and reference to available source information to support your perspective in APA most recent edition format and style throughout. The …

point about racisms

answer these question  about the movie the hate you give 2018 film How do they present their points about racism? How does the artist (or artists) use symbolism, gestures, lyrics, and/or visuals? Do you think this creative expression does an effective job critiquing racism? Is there anything you might change, …

Chinese Films Relating to Modern China

The overall idea is to explain how the films “To Live”, “Thomas Mao”, “Touch of Sin”, and “Tiananmen” explain aspects of contemporary China. That statement is very general. I want the writing to explain how these films connect with each other in the sense that the expansion of China has …

The potential of embryonic stem cells

Scenario – You have just been hired as an R&D product manager at a Biotechnology company, Helix Inc.  As a first step, your boss wants you to brush up on your literature research skills and ive her a sense of how well you understand ethics as it relates to various …


Because the Midterm is an assessment of the course objectives for the first four weeks, you may only use the required readings and all in Lessons (Lectures), including the linked resources there.  No additional texts are permitted. There will be point reductions if you ignore this request. It means that …

reproductive rights

B. Annotated Bibliography. Research paper Topic: Title: Reproductive Rights Its an argumentative paper Research Question: Should unborn babies have the same rights as normal people? Most religions and republicans tell as once a child is conceived it becomes an independent individual with all rights which include a right to live. …

Role of Gender in peacekeeping

Pick one: In a 2-3 page paper, research and report back to the class on 1 of 5 emerging issues in Peacekeeping: 1. The economic impact of PKOs (during and after intervention);2. Privatizing Peacekeeping;3. The role of gender in peacekeeping;4. The role of NATO and non-governmental actors (NGOs) in peacekeeping …

Chinese Political Thought

Summarize the historical context, significance, and future implications of adding Xi Jinping Thought to the PRC constitution at the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Format your essay with the basic elements of an APA-formatted research paper, including a cover page and References page Minimum number of sources …