The topic is over the debate over whether college football should happen in the fall which happened in August/September or something else American sports-related. The focus: Social medias role in shaping your current understanding of the issue (this issue can be the one youve selected for final project) The method: …

Racism in Korea during the Pandemic

I am writing a paper over anti-Chinese sentiment in South Korea, and how it’s changed during the modern pandemic. However, the topic is a little bit flexible. I have an abstract written and some sources collected, but I’m not married to anything I’ve done so far.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Dear, I want from you to do for me PESTEL Analysis for this topic: Sheikhly Families before and after Oil in Qatar: from sheikhdoms to the emergence of the modern state Qatar Please each period before and after with provide an evidence for each section  and table or chart  and …

Area Studies Aisa

In this project, students will analyze and evaluate local, regional, and global social, cultural, aesthetic discourses, and practices. Meaning, students will analyze and evaluate information and/or shared knowledge (including peer reviews) from diverse cultural and disciplinary lenses. In this project, students have to answer the following questions:1. What is the …

Analysis of transcriptions

This is an assignment from a med ical anthropology class. It is the second assignment in Clinical Interactions Project which is the second step of the project. In order to finish this paper, you will need to use transcriptions we wrote in step one of the project which are in …

informative speech

Write an Informative speech on the impact of global warming.Length:    4 5 minutes long Sources:    You are required to use at least two academic sources which should be listed at the end of your Informative Speech Outline (MLA format) and should be mentioned during your oral presentation where relevant. Visual …

Educational leadership and organizational change

Please respond to the questions below: Describe the types of power Elizabeth Holmes used as leader of Theranos?In what ways did the use of power give rise to her stature? In what ways was it her downfall?What other leadership theory can you apply to the story?

International criminal organizations

This course component requires that you write a 6-8 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) examining a particular aspect of international criminal organizations (e.g., appropriate case studies, comparative international perspectives, a meta-analysis of the extant literature, a new method, technology, or emerging challenge, etc.). Select an aspect that interests …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsFor the Final Paper, students will design their own peacekeeping operation. Students should choose an existing international or intra-state conflict for which there is not currently a UN peacekeeping operation assigned OR design an alternative peacekeeping operation that differs significantly from an existing UN peacekeeping operation.. Please note that the …

Terrorist attacks in France

Before you begin this assignment, please review the course materials from the first three weeks of class with a special focus on the three mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Please pay particular attention to the definition of each and avoid pairing them with domestic perceptions of conservatives, liberals, …