bipedalism hypothesis

This week’s discussion is all about bipedalism! As bipedalism is the first hominin characteristic to evolve, anthropologists are particularly interested in determining why early hominids became bipedal. For this week I would like you all to evaluate the hypotheses that have been used to explain the rise of bipedalism (click …

Media Analysis of a Political Ad

Media Ad AnalysisIn this assignment you will analyze a commercial advertisement by President Trump or Vice President Biden and present a focused discussion on its rhetorical choices. Getting Started: This assignment will require you to explore your chosen ad on three levels: 1) as an attempt by someone to communicate …

Informative Speech Critique

Write a one-page reflection evaluating the speakers ability to deliver a clear message. Describe the specific improvements that the speaker made to his speech.Which adjustment(s) do you think improved his speech the most?How do visual aids impact his presentation?What additional adjustments would you recommend?

Fundraising Development Strategy Paper

This is a fictional exercise and is meant for educational purposes only.  Students will learn how to create a long term Fundraising Development Strategy for their organization with a 3 to 5-year specific Fundraising Plan embedded in it for a human services organization. Please from  scenario on page 4 Non-Profit …

Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits

Read Chapters 8 and 9 and watch the video. After you completed the budget exercise, what did you find to be the most difficult part of creating your budget?  Do you think that directors of agencies have difficulty with budgeting both expenses and revenue dollars? In Chapter 9 the author …

Practice Sheets on Fundraising Plan

In this Module you will learn about how to develop a Fundraising Development Strategy. You will also continue to understand how an administrator of a Human Services agency must collaborate with the people in the organization for a successful funding raising event. You will read chapters 2 and 3 in …

Practice Sheets on Fundraising Plan 2

In this Module you will learn about how to develop a Fundraising Development Strategy. You will also continue to understand how an administrator of a Human Services agency must collaborate with the people in the organization for a successful funding raising event. You will read chapters 2 and 3 in …

Practice Sheets on Fundraising Plan

In this Module you will learn about how to develop a Fundraising Develop-ment Strategy. You will also continue to understand how an administrator of a Human Services agency must collaborate with the people in the organization for a successful funding raising event. You will read chapters 2 and 3 in …

Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Services

You will submit a short paper that discusses the laws/regulations (both federal and state) that impact Human Services professionals in healthcare settings. You will examine the human services ethical standards that can align with some of the legal considerations.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Describe at least one …