
discuss how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Please include any educational, familial, cultural, economic, or social experiences, challenges, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how you might contribute to social or cultural diversity within your chosen field; and/or how you might serve educationally …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain 2 reasons why Angela Davis argues the Prison Industrial Complex is a problem. Include a definition of the concept and explain who benefits and who suffers from the current criminal justice system. Finally, provide 2 examples of how incarceration affects women, girls, and transwomen of color.


Midterm Paper on Joseph Pilates: 1st Part is his Bio (when he was born, when he died, what ailments he had as a kid and what type of activities did he do growing up), 2nd Part is What was the name of what he created and why did he create …

international coopration and crime

1. Read through the short article on the Kigali Treaty. What factors explain the relative success of this treaty? Think of the enforcement mechanisms available to the international community to ensure compliance (as discussed in the lecture and by the textbook starting on page 250). 2. Read through the Haas …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

350 wordsConsider your readings and the various White Ethnic groups you have learned about in this unit. For this assignment select one of these groups and a historical trauma, oppression, unresolved grief, or discrimination they have experienced. Please respond to the following: Identify the group and the historical trauma, oppression, …

Analytical Paper

Sabina Maglioccos book The Two Madonnas deals with a number of broad themes: the relationship between the sacred and the secular, the relationship between popular faith and orthodox religion, the intersection of religion, power, prestige, and politics, the impact of globalization and change on religious traditions (the relationship between the …

Middle Eastern Cultures

The first video deals with two anti Islamic movements the west. The second one is about an American Jihadist joined the fight in the Middle East. Please watch both learning objects write a short essay (275 words) answering the question “Is Islam compatible with western civilization?”

Discussion Question 4

Agency Veteran Service Center: In chapters 4, 5, and 6, you have read about how to attract supporters to your agency and your mission. Once you have the support, you have to keep the donor engaged if you want them to continue giving. Answer the Discussion Questions in at least …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week’s discussion is all about bipedalism! As bipedalism is the first hominin characteristic to evolve, anthropologists are particularly interested in determining why early hominids became bipedal. For this week I would like you all to evaluate the hypotheses that have been used to explain the rise of bipedalism (click …


This week’s discussion is all about bipedalism! As bipedalism is the first hominin characteristic to evolve, anthropologists are particularly interested in determining why early hominids became bipedal. For this week I would like you all to evaluate the hypotheses that have been used to explain the rise of bipedalism (click …