Stylistic analysis of the text fragment

This is a practical task assignment. No theory, please. only practical analysis of the uploaded text fragment. The stylistic analysis must be done only for the uploaded text fragment.The main requirements and questions for the paper are listed in the attached DOC file.The text is in the attached PDF file …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose:How many times have we heard someone complaining about something happening in our communities–but offering no solutions for the problem?  This assignment is designed to develop your problem-solving skills and engage you in a substantive conversation concerning a current local issue.  This assignment will also encourage you to begin seriously …


How is Western Christianity manipulated in American Supernatural Thrillers like It Follows to produce a social map of judgment and condemnation? Are these types of films extensions of religion? Why can’t young people have sex outside of marriage? How is all this emotional maelstrom regarding sex ultimately linked to the …


How do mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and …


How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and …

Humanities Ancient

I am introducing this assignment a bit earlier than I planned to give you more time to work on it, and I decided to give you only one option:  to write a short essay of three to four pages on the following topic:The introduction of writing has allowed us to …

Reflective Writing:What are the words or images that come into your mind when you think of conflict. Should conflict be welcomed or avoided? How did your family handle conflicts? Do you handle conflict in the same way? What are some characteristics of

What are the words or images that come into your mind when you think of conflict.  Should conflict be welcomed or avoided? How did your family handle conflicts? Do you handle conflict in the same way? What are some characteristics of intercultural conflict? How could the advice from the video …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Hypothetical     The Republic of Amistan has brought an action in the International Court of Justice [ICJ] against Malevoland, for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Both are parties to the convention. There is ample proof in expert reports and the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Hypothetical     The Republic of Amistan has brought an action in the International Court of Justice [ICJ] against Malevoland, for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Both are parties to the convention. There is ample proof in expert reports and the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Hypothetical     The Republic of Amistan has brought an action in the International Court of Justice [ICJ] against Malevoland, for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Both are parties to the convention. There is ample proof in expert reports and the …