Social Complexity and Identity

Rubric and assignment attached too. Social Complexity and Identity Background: Archaeologists study social complexity to understand the differences between and changes within societies across space and time.  Identifying social complexity involves taking into account many factors.  In archaeology, these factors manifest themselves in certain material remains within the archaeological record. …

Geography of the AP

For this paper, I will give you 3 questions to answer. All you need to do is answer those 3 questions separately; 1 question should be answered by 500 words or more.these are the topics 1.Outline the impact of the CoVID virus on the economy of the Asia Pacific Region. …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ELO: Critical Thinking Learning Target: The student will develop an understanding of American Disability Acts. Learning Target: Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Read about the topics from any source, especially the American Disability Acts (ADA).Write an essay of your understanding of the topicLength: At least two pages long.  Introduction, body and …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this essay, you will write about a work of art–music, literature, drama, sculpture, painting, or architecture featured in chapters 7-11 of the textbook.  Please describe the work in specific detail. Then, using research, analyze and interpret the work. Next, explain the specific social and/or cultural connections of the artwork …

Urban Anthropology

1. Author/Year/Title of the Article. For example: Smith, Michael E. (2002) “The Earliest Cities.2. State the main topic of this work.3. State the conclusion of the author.4. Identify two important statements/points made by the author to support his/her/their conclusion. Discuss these two statements/points.5. Give one thought/comment that you have after …

Anthropology: Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to, evolutionary theory, primatology, paleopathology, human skeletal biology, genetic studies, forensics, etc. This can be a fun investigation of something you find interesting.

Your Research Paper assignment is a 1200 to 2000 word (not counting your bibliography) informative research paper on a topic of your choosing, as long as it pertains to biological/physical anthropology. Font will be 12pt in Times New Roman (or something very similar), one-inch margins and double-spaced. I will require …

Mexican Culture

Part A: Informal Institutions (2-3 pages) Describe at least 3 of these cultural dimensions: context, power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation. For each dimension, a.    Describe the cultures orientation (e.g. high context vs. low context, individualism vs. collectivism, etc.) Explain why you have chosen this orientation for …

Air pollution in south korea

A. Identify an issue (illustrate a research topic by detailing the context and issue of your topic) B. Clarify a research question C. Draft an outline (A detailed outline is not required. Five or six lines would be enough like this: 1. Introduction 2. Backgrounds (Context and Issues) 3. Problem …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and …


Read:– Slocum, Sally “Woman the Gatherer: Male Bias in Anthropology” Answer the following questions:1.    Summary about the article:2.    Three main points made in the article:3.    List any ideas that are difficult to understand: