
Read the attached synopsis of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, then read the attached Characteristics of the Classical Style in Ballet. Then, using the link below, view the performance of the ballet danced by the Paris Opera Ballet in a version created by Rudolph Nureyev. Provide an analysis of the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 6 short essays (200-400 words each, roughly). There are 6 essay prompts below. You need to form logical and accurate arguments using the assigned materials (attached below as PDF) to present your views, and these may be dramatically different from the professors views. Short of submitting hateful content, …


My topic is RELIGION. *I have attached the the sample essay, the checklist and my week 3 assignment with the two sources to be used. Please view those prior to beginning paper. References for part 1: Crapo, R. H. (2013). Cultural anthropology [Electronic version]. Retrieved from This text is …

HUS 540 Case study Part 2

MODULE 5ObjectivesIn this Module you will learn to: Identify fundraising tools that includes people, skills, equipment, and technologyDevelop a strategy and fundraising plan for a human services organizationDesign a specific fundraising event for a human services organizationsCritically think about an ethical dilemma that may impact your fundraising event and develop …

HUS-540 Case Study Part 1

ObjectivesIn this Module you will learn to: Identify fundraising tools that includes people, skills, equipment, and technologyDevelop a strategy and fundraising plan for a human services organizationDesign a specific fundraising event for a human services organizationsCritically think about an ethical dilemma that may impact your fundraising event and develop a …

Research essay for Li and Music in the Philosophy of Xunzi

The essay should include a central question and three sub-questions, developed in three sections, along with an introduction and a conclusion. At least ten academic sources (in English) must be used to prepare the essay. All quotations are to be written in the Chicago Style, and references are to be …

Research essay for The Philosophy of Dong Zhongshu

The essay should include a central question and three sub-questions, developed in three sections, along with an introduction and a conclusion. At least ten academic sources (in English) must be used to prepare the essay. All quotations are to be written in the Chicago Style, and references are to be …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The global pandemic has radically upended the trends that shape the current and future event industry. Let’s think about what we see trending in events this year and next year. Here are some examples.. Virtual & Hybrid Events Are Here to StayPerhaps the biggest shift the event industry has seen …