Analyze how representation functions in your media example

Analyze how representation functions in your media example <The Devil wears Prada>. Consider gender, race, ethnicity, economic class, sexuality and ability, among other socially constructed identities. —Drawing on the text that l gave you, examine the role of representation within the movie <The Devil Wears Prada>. This will require that …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 3 short essays (200-400 words each, roughly). There are 3 essay prompts below. You need to form logical and accurate arguments using the assigned materials (attached below as PDF) to present your views, and these may be dramatically different from the professors views. Short of submitting hateful content, …


this research proposal needs the main focus on the methodology part, finding a specific subject to Conduct investigation the problem of over-tourism. for example, a perspective from local residents to Investigate the issue of deterioration of air quality/ water pollution( only choose one) by over-tourism. the subject cannot be too …

cuban revolution

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS1)Pick one of the film/article combinations from the list below. 2) Watch the film and read the article. Be sure to take notes on both. 3) Please use the questions below to write a three to four page( 750 to 1000 word) response discussing the film/article combination. Be sure …

HUS 540 Case study Part 2 Questions

I am reordering the case study questions for case study 2 HUS 540 CASE STUDY PART 2 Organizing Staff for Fundraising Maria has a long history of 10 years working with groups, communities, and developing programs for recreation centers. She can handle the responsibilities as a project coordinator, and her …

International Relations

The Final Paper assesses the final two Course objectives. Write an Op-ed article for a newspaper, on a topic that is relevant to this class. It must address a specific policy issue that is not working, and it must present solutions on how to improve it. You may research outside …

US’ crackdown on China’s 5G

This is a thesis paper. Need to have dialectical thinking and decisive description, no personal feelings, problem discussion should be objective. MLA format. Thesis argumentthe underlying reason for the US to intervene China’s 5g development is to prevent the possible reshuffling of global commercial supply chain due to rapid growth …

US’ crackdown on China’s 5G

This is a thesis paper. Need to have dialectical thinking and decisive description, no personal feelings, problem discussion should be objective. MLA format. Each section needs to have a heading or subheading Thesis argumentthe underlying reason for the US to intervene in China’s 5g development is to prevent the possible …

Answering questions

papers should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced and 12-point font. 1.    According to Lisa Lowe in Chapter 1 of her book, how are chattel slavery, indentured Asian labor, and Indigenous dispossession interconnected forms of colonialism? What does she mean by intimacies of four continents? Please provide at least 3 …

Answering questions

papers should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced and 12-point font. 1.    According to Lisa Lowe in Chapter 1 of her book, how are chattel slavery, indentured Asian labor, and Indigenous dispossession interconnected forms of colonialism? What does she mean by intimacies of four continents? Please provide at least 3 …