Celebratory Toast for Graduation

If you do the Celebratory Toast, choose a wedding toast, a birthday toast, an anniversary toast, a graduation toast, or a retirement toast.  Speak as though you are in front of a crowd of 20 or more people gathered for the celebration and treat it as a personal honor to …

Evaluation of mock nomination for intangible cultural heritages

(Plagarism is strictly restricted and must avoiding just copy pasting from the reference lists!)This task is writing an evaluation paper for “Mock Nomination of intangible cultural heritages”In order to write this paper, you need to learn what are the process of nomination and the inscription process of intangible cultural heritages.You …

presentation comments

Write comments for two presentations.Each comment half page.Do not judge the presentation!!!!! Just be kind and frinedly.The first one: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRKq3tULJgDGe0vHWR0f5rgkL59Znj2nPfy2dDpYXCGFKu6TPaQfJVkY9gj4dHb921S9rcW02NKx1Kh/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=6000000The second one: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GV447XkQmsKr_CDC02FuJL8FG2X0LbNVuq9_nIDEGYY/edit#slide=id.ga136e698ad_0_0

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, conduct research on the topic of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and address the following: Explain the primary responsibilities and priorities of the IRB. Identify an organization, such as a research hospital or pharmaceutical company, that involves human research …

reading questions

1.What is Accumulation by Dispossession? (Please try to collect all sorts of knowledge youve learned about this concept in this class.) What is the role of the state in accumulation by dispossession? Why is the extra-economic means (state power) critical in accumulation by dispossession in the making of SEZs in …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read – Nervous Conditions, Binti, Anderson, Khader, and Burnett articles Please respond to a, b and c a) What argument is Burnett making about African speculative fiction, in his paper? How does he describe the novella, Binti as an example of speculative fiction?  b)The novella, Binti, is often regarded as …

Polybius-Why Romans and Not Greeks Govern the World

For this document analysis you will need to 1. Access and read the document, Why the Romans and Not the Greeks Govern the World by Polybius. Read this document carefully. 2. Answer ALL of the following questions with as much explanation and detail as you can provide. Please see the …

US Mexico Relations

US MEXICO BILATERAL RELATION: write a recommendation/suggestions/proposals as to what both countries can do together/bilaterally to fight the flow of narcotics. Review and analyze already existing policies that aren’t effective and give recommendations/propose new policies and analyze them I have attached a very good reference that might be be very …

Speech on Kang Youwei’s Literature

I’ll give you an article I need you to do two parts for this speech1.find the information about the author of the document and introduce him. This part needs about 200 words2.Make a general summary of this article, divided into 3 to 4 points 800 words I will give you …