
You  are  looking  for  a technology  within  the  general  topic  you  chose  that  is  in  its  infancy.  For  example,  if  there  were  a military group and you were in  it, you couldnt do drones because we already use drones.  You could, however, do remote driverless tanks because they are being …

How do writers synthesize sources in a literature review?

Please answer 2 of the following questions, citing specific examples from (1) How do writers structure their entire review in a way that leads toward synthesis? (2) Where do you see areas of the most synthesis? (3) How do writers integrate sources into their own text?(4) How do writers …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Human Enhancement technologies have opened the possibility for a radical transformation of humans into transhumans. In important ways this process has already begun, and the expectation is that over the next twenty years radical further human enhancement technologies will appear. Please find one type of human enchantment technology that you …

International Relations

“Femicide” remains a contested concept, in Latin America as well as in the international community more broadly. Based on the readings for this week, what variations do we see in the causes of violence against women within Latin America, or between Latin America and other parts of the world? What …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Initial post Which punctuation marks do you think are most difficult to use correctly? Why? What might you do to help remember the rules for these punctuation marks or to make effective choices about these punctuation marks? Guided response Choose a classmate’s post about a punctuation marks, and find an …

International Law Question

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE THANKSThis do not need to be well-wording. answer the question is the most important. PROBLEM QUESTION Airedale and Beagle are two neighbouring States. Ronald Drump is a prominent businessman living in Airedale; he is the Chief Executive Officer and owns 75% of the …

The Change Process in Education

I believe one of the most significant school changes I have been able to make as a classroom teacher in my current building is my use of grant writing. I have taken the risk several times to put myself and my ideas out into the world to hopefully bring new …

The Change Process in Education

The most significant changes I plan on making when I become an administrator (hopefully at the school I am currently teaching at) would be to set higher expectations for student admission, align the curriculum of the high school more directly with college courses by implementing more AP (and possibly CCP) …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

My specialized population is Women To complete this assignment, research your specialized population in the context of substance use disorder. Some good places to start your research are the following sites: National Institute on Drug AbuseNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismVeteran’s Affairs Mental Health ResourcesNational Institute on AgingNational Alliance …

Immigration Policy: the Asian American immigrant experience.

Write a letter to a public official on a case study. Letters are submitted to elected officials and other policymakers in order for individuals to present their position on an issue.You are to assume the role of an advocate from a non-profit organization and address your memo to the cases …