Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 400-500 words (include word count) you will thoroughly answer one of the discussion prompts provided for the week. In order to gain full points for your post, you need to: Cite specific examples or quotes from at least 3 different readings from the week; include appropriate in-text citations (author …

Southeast history

Before noon on 5/26, please upload a 2-2.5 pp. response paper to one of the following three essay questions. Your essay should comprise a main thesis or theses, stated at the beginning, and an extended, but concise discussion of supporting evidence. Be analytical, not just descriptive. At all cost, avoid …

Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) Threat Analysis

InstructionsThe mid-term essay will be the development of a general threat analysis of the US using the perspective of a foreign intelligence entity or service. Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) Threat Analysis The CIA’s Counterintelligence Center Analysis Group (CIC/AG) identifies, monitors, and analyzes the efforts of FIEs against US persons, activities, …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Throughout The Men We Reaped, Jesmyn Ward uses several reoccurring motifs. First, she personalizes her hometown, DeLisle, as a wolf. She makes allusions to this wolf throughout the novel, writing that this ‘wolf’ is stalking her and her loved ones. Next, Ward writes: As the driver clumsily crushed the grass …

Opportunity or Oppression

Industrialization is the process in which a society or country transforms itself from a primarily agriculture-based society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services. Globalization reflects how the world economies are becoming more connected. Industrialization and globalization are driving the production and consumption of cheap goods. Anthropologists …


Each student is required to read a current affairs article dealing with some fact of travel and tourism. The article may be found in magazines, newspapers, or on the internet. The article is to be current, that is, within a week of the assigned submission date. Your synopsis of the …

You are the Human Services Manager. Using the definitions of culture and climate presented think of a human service organization with which you are familiar with (volunteered, previous employer, current employer, etc.).

You are the Human Services Manager. Using the definitions of culture and climate presented think of a human service organization with which you are familiar with (volunteered, previous employer, current employer, etc.). Make a list or create a chart of the key attributes of the climate of this organization as …

new business idead_start-up plans_marketing strategies_evaluation

(1) Scenario: Scenario    As a young entrepreneur you must now develop your chosen travel and tourism business idea further. Japanese style Spa with Japanese culture, well-being, hot-spa entertainment with AR/VR theatres and game centre Target: Young generations/people who are interested in this service, Health-conscious and aware people Area: South West …

no topic

1. According to the lectures and the reading, the term “Chicana/o” cannot be clearly defined by one single group of ethnic Mexican people, ideology, voice, identity, culture, or experience.  In your opinion and interpretation, how does the term “Chicana/o” represent the various ethnic Mexican groups, ideologies, voices, identities, culture, and …

Data Analysis

Data analysis of the research method order number #198762577 written by (Consultwrite101) The paper should include: 1. Introduction. Good features for the Introduction include: Summary of the study and data, as well as any relevant substantive context, background, or framing issues. The big questions answered by your data analyses, and …