American History Questions

  1. The Thirteenth Amendment effectively brought an end to slavery in the United States. Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation over 3 years earlier. Why, then, was the Thirteenth Amendment issued? Was it necessary? How come? 2. The Fourteenth Amendment settled the question of who is a citizen of …

America After ww2

It needs to be an essay about the transformation of society after WW2. Discussing topics like suburdanization, the GI BILL, the automobile and the effects of consumerism on society and gender spheres, racial experiences and youth culture.  It needs to be concluded by asking the question, what was the role …

Introduction to Coin Currency from the Ancient Greece

This is what my teacher is looking for:1. introduction 2. 3 body paragraphs 3.conclusion I need to write 3 arguments and it will be the body paragraph, the first one is Depth of impact the second is Scope of the impact the third is Duration of the impact of the …

The Armenian Genocide

How did the Armenian genocide play on the root causes of World War I, including nationalism, imperialism, social Darwinism, ethnic hatred, and the gullibility of the Turkish people who allowed this to happen and often even supported it.What were the main motivations of the Ottoman rulers who decided to try …

Armenian Genocide (1915-1923)

This assessment is an investigation. The investigation must be clearly and effectively organized. While there is no prescribed format for how this section must be structured, it must contain critical analysis that is focused clearly on the question being investigated, and must also include the conclusion that draws from the …

To what extent did Harriet Tubman influence slavery

What should be included in my introduction?One paragraph only approximately 200 wordsA brief context to introduce the question.Set the scene / generate reader interest by establishing why this question was important at the time, and remains relevant today.Highlight the scope of your question what will it focus on and what …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A primary historical source is a document that was created during the past by a person (or persons) who lived during that period. Primary sources are the building blocks of history!Select any ONE of the below primary sources that interests you and, after reading the source, write an analytical essay …

History essay

Benjamin    Franklin once wrote    where liberty is, there is my country. Is    he right?        Was    that the American experience from    its colonial settlement to the end of    Reconstruction? Can the story of America during that period be written as one of    ever    greater freedom for an ever greater number …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic: Tobacco – Trace the history of tobacco from John Rolfe’s introduction of a milder tobacco the was desirable in Europe the present day.  Include economic, social, and political aspects.  Tobacco led to a greater demand for labor and land and pushed settlement westward.  it is impossible to tell the …