
at the end of the paper, you must list your sources using MLA citation. Please use the draft attached to add 1 more page to it. Also, use only attached files in order to write the response, do not use any outside resources. The draft is under “Revolution”. 

American Government

You must write an essay (500 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. Identify and discuss the …

After the Civil War

After the Civil War, how were healing and justice accomplished? How was the process of healing and/or justice lacking? What could have/should have been done better or differently? Student demonstrates knowledge of problems needing to be addressed after the Civil War, and how the country actually went about picking up …


Place yourself in Europein France, for instancearound the year 1600. Kings and Queens, Popes and Bishops, wield unimaginable power, and not usually in a way that benefits the common citizen. There are enormous gulfs between the wealthy/powerful upper classes (the aristocracy) and the lower classes (the peasantry). Average citizens have …


How would you define revolution?  Do you think there are still revolutions in the modern world? There is no right or wrong answer to this question.  It is base on your opinion and belief.  However, the essay should be cogent (convincing)  and well thought out. Please only use the following …

History Discussion 2

Discuss one topic from GROUP A in relation to one topic from GROUP B.  Explaining what each item is is not sufficient.  For example, you could discuss how the Colombian Exchange relates to Tokugawa , Japan. GROUP A 1. The Protestant Reformation (and the Counter Reformation). 2. The Colombian Exchange …

Extra Credit

  In order to get the points you must turn in the assignments on or before February 7 [for articles appearing between January 13 and February 7 this year] Your essay must be (1.) at least 550 words in length, (2.) show less than 25% in the turnitin plagiarism checking, …

Tennessee History

What impact did early white “immigrants” into Tennessee have on the imperial wars in North America prior to and during the American War of Independence? What were the Watauga and Cumberland Compacts, and why were they important in the political development of Tennessee? What were the causes of the “rise …

History Discussion 1

be sure to respond to the posts of AT LEAST two classmates with SUBSTANTIVE comments (minimum 35 words EACH). Your answers are worth a possible total of 25 points. Your replies to other students are worth a total of 5. (TOTAL POINTS–30.) Meeting word count is not sufficient to receive full credit. …