Hypothetical Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) primary role is to direct international health within the United Nations’ system and to lead partners in global health responses.  Describe/answer the following information; How is the WHO funded? What is a typical budget?Whom does it serve? Be sure to have detail and credible references

Strength and Conditioning training

Create a script demonstrating your understanding of Strength and Conditioning training. The script should be completed within the following guidelines: 1. Introduce yourself by name, school, or association that you work for, etc. 2. Identify the athlete and sport you are coaching and the athletes position in the training cycle. …

Global Health Nursing

Instructions In a 2 page paper, select a developing globalcommunity and describe the role of the nurse inimproving/facilitating health care services to thisvulnerable diverse population. Use APA format & include Headings. Cover and reference pages were notincluded  in the paper count  and must be included as part of the paper.Due …


Overview: This week, you will further refine your population and problem and compare your suspicions about this problem to local, state, and national data on the topic. Your practicum project should come into clear focus as you continue to analyze related health data, and you should consider how you, as …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To prepare for this Discussion, visit the CDC Wonder site in this weeks resources. Investigate the incidence and prevalence of TB in your community. What information did you find? Analyze how your community compares to county, state, or national data for the same topic. Was the incidence and prevalence of …

community health nursing

Case Study, Chapter 13, Policy-Making and Community Health Advocacy It is very important that community health nurses provide not the only input to policy circles through advocacy but also leadership at decision-making tables. The community health nurse is reviewing an online in-service program on the importance of this role in …

Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or …

How does corporate philantropy and ethical behavior of pharmaceutical companies influence brand image, brand loyalty and brand success of specific products within their portfolios?

The projects should cover the following: Practical implementation and usage of various management competencies Adequate reaction to existing problems and challenges Critical reflection of own competencies and chosen approaches There is no specific template or catalogue of special requirements for the report. The length should be at least 15 pages …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Explain the nature of your assigned CLC Business Plan. What challenges do you anticipate? What information or resources do you need to be successful? Your CLC Business Plan is based on a hypothetical situation. How can you produce a realistic document that maximizes learning in a simulated context? 2.How do …