Microservices Architecture Project

Please see attached document with specifications. Not sure what the effort would be in doing this whole project so any feedback on Design timeline is welcome. Interested in a  Book ordering system with multiple Customers and their details would be a starting point for discussion. Some fields would be :Customer …

Office Supply Store Data Analysis

An office supply store tests a telemarketing campaign to its existing business customers. The company targeted approximately 16,000 customers for the campaign. Assume you are a consultant brought on board to help the company leverage and use the findings from the tests to its advantage. Refer to the accompanying spreadsheet, …

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4 In Stephen Blank’s discussion of Russian Information Warfare, Cyber Warfare, and “Political Warfare” what are the 3 key takeaways do you make from his discussion? In your opinion, is Russian actions in cyberspace “cyber terrorism” in the traditional understanding? In what …

Semantic Caching Demo on SparkSQL and HDFS

Overview: A caching system management used in SparkSQL/Apache Spark and HDFS Requirements: SparkSQL, ApacheSpark, HDFS, Data caching algorithm and English skills. Motivation: We are now using the HDFS to store and manage the data. And we do also the data analytics using SparkSQL in Apache Spark. Normally, the Application Driver …

Browser Extension

I need a simple browser extension for chrome. It must do the following things: 1) have a user sign-in with username and password and verify user info against a SQL database. keep the user signed in even after closing the browser. Have a logout button once signed in. 2) when …


Construct a lighter and smaller Residual Network (ResNet) architecture.Train your network to perform image classication by minimizng the cross-entropy between the network’s predictionand the CIFAR-10 targets. As the training proceeds, plot the loss value and the classication accuracy on training and validation set,and choose the iteration with the least error.


please write an essay on any genre for 2500 wordsAll genres permitted. A maximum of 2500 words per entry. Limited to one entry per person. Text must not have been published, self-published or accepted for publication in print or online, or have won or been placed in another competition at …

Python Programming with FTK

1.    Write unit tests for the posted solution(s) from a previous assignment:     Write at least 3 test cases for each function (text and binary files)o    the tests should try different situations    You may use 2 test files, or moreo    you may alter the prior test files or make your …

Debt to income calculator Python Project

Project – Debt to Income Calculator Program Python in Spyder IDEProject Guidelines    At the minimum, your code should include a least one of each of the following:     container type (list, tuple, set, or dictionary)     iteration type (for, while)     conditional (if)     try blocks    user-defined functions     input …

Module 6 Discussion – Dissenting View

Identify a reading  with which you disagree, and briefly detail your dissenting view. You can use Week 6 material for this. Use the web links or pdfs as references. Essay at least 500 words https://spacenews.com/u-s-intelligence-russia-and-china-will-have-operational-anti-satellite-weapons-in-a-few-years/ https://www.wired.com/2017/01/connected-devices-give-spies-powerful-new-way-surveil/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/28/politics/strava-military-bases-location/index.html