Any topic (writer’s choice)

Persuasive essay about the selection series/ conclusion must include call to action Imagine being a normal eighteen year old girl one day and the next day being part of a competition to marry a prince. In The Selection Series, this happens to the main character, America Singer. The Selection Series …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Personal Background Statement is an opportunity to communicate your reason for pursuing a graduate degree in social work, your career goals, relevant personal history that has contributed to your decision to become a professional social worker. 1.Describe a social issue of importance to you. Why is it significant and …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Introductions and Conclusions, Part 1 Introductions (openings) and conclusions frame an essay and contribute to the unity of the whole. The introduction sets up the topic and the main idea (thesis). The introduction does two things: it hooks the readers interest and points to the direction and scope the essay …

Sociology 311

Our goal is to have lively discussion of this weeks reading on discourse community and to help each other develop and deepen our understanding of why knowing our audience, context, and purpose are crucial to successful writing. My hope is that discussing as a class the who, what, and why …

Funding for After School Programs

Step 1 You must develop a research question which is debatable.  You may pose your question as Should toy companies censor video games for players under 25. (weird example, I know!) Motivation/ Problem statement:  What issue or problem is your paper going to address?  Why do you care about the …

Master budget article review

Please see the master budget article thats attached. Write a review, Your review must include the following: Identify the purpose of the article.Identify the main points presented in the article.What is your opinion regarding the findings presented in the article, including an appraisal of the budget?Where does this fit in …

Personal Epiphany

For this assignment, you will be writing a narrative essay on a personal epiphany. You will need to provide a personal story that illustrates this.  Please refer to the essay we discussed in class:  Salvation. It is a good model of a narrative essay where the author experiences an Ephiphany. …

the downfall of Shakespeare Macbeth

1. Do you think Macbeths downfall is a result of fate the witches predictions – or did his ambitious nature andother characteristics bring about his downfall? Discuss whether or not Macbeths personality or charactercaused him to commit such tragic acts and describe the traits that made him susceptible to the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

                      The Use and Abuse of Social MediaToday, being on social media to connect with friends and one’s entire circle is common, especially among the youths, this trend is continuously resulting in a variety of negative effects. Social media allows users to …