Read Instructions

Read this lin and answer the question After you read the Wikipedia entry, then READ ALL OF TABLET I. (only Tablet 1)Then write a one-page response, describing what the story of the first tablet is about. Mention any characters, events, or discussions that appeal to you or you are …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1) Set the context of each text. You need to introduce the author, list their important credentials, state the name of the text, and say where and when it was published. This should be in the introduction paragraph. 2) Use “They Say/I Say” techniques to introduce paraphrases, summary, and quotes …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Session 3 Research Paper – Artist and Inspiration The author of our course’s text, Jerram Barrs, explores the idea that quality art (on some level) truthfully explores what it means to live life as a human. In Echoes of Eden, he states, “This principle of representing things as they are …

Choice 1: The Ultimate Home Office Choice 2: The Ultimate Mobile Office Characteristics to address: Hardware (input and output) Ethical issues including netiquette Software (standalone and Internet based) Network configuration including hardwar

Choice 1:  The Ultimate Home OfficeChoice 2:  The Ultimate Mobile Office Characteristics to address:    Hardware (input and output)    Ethical issues including netiquette    Software (standalone and Internet based)    Network configuration including hardware and software    Security issues including social media threats    How the office could be incorporated into your chosen career path …

Choice 1: The Ultimate Home Office Choice 2: The Ultimate Mobile Office Characteristics to address: Hardware (input and output) Ethical issues including netiquette Software (standalone and Internet based) Network configuration including hardwar

Choice 1:  The Ultimate Home OfficeChoice 2:  The Ultimate Mobile Office Characteristics to address:    Hardware (input and output)    Ethical issues including netiquette    Software (standalone and Internet based)    Network configuration including hardware and software    Security issues including social media threats    How the office could be incorporated into your chosen career path …

Jane Eyre

Based on the book Jane Eyre 1. Examine the characters of Mr. Brocklehurst (the clergyman/master of Lowood), Eliza Reed (the aspiring nun/daughter of Mrs. Reed) and St. John Rivers (the parson of Marsh End/and missionary). Despite their self-professed religiosity and piety what dangerous morality do they all advocate? Needs to …

the great gatsby and de tocoville

  The general argument made in this excerpt of Why the Americans Are So restless In The Midst of Their Prosperity by Alexis de Tocqueville is that the same freedom that allows us to dream and hope for the best also leaves us unable to achieve it; I agree with …

Global Warming / book review

Book Review on: DRAWDOWN THE COMST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EVER PROPOSED TO REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING EDITED BY Paul Hawken you will craft a comprehensive, thoughtful and detailed book review of Paul Hawken’s Drawdown, which includes 100 workable solutions already underway to solve global warming and mitigate climate change. Your review will …