Critical Lens Essay

Most directions are on the “RWS 200 Assignment 2 S20 TT” document attached. In short, the paper revolves around a single demagogic figure, present or historical, and explaining how the person is demagogic through the lens of Roberts-Miller’s article (attached below), by identifying demagogic rhetoric within the demagogue’s speeches. See …

Scene analysis and word choice from Hamlet

This is a close reading of any scene in Hamlet.  The main skill assessed is the word choice. The goal is to analyze how specific words and phrases used in teh character dialogue within the scene communicates teh emotions and conflicts that are driving events of the plot forward. I …

Ryan Reynolds Social Anxiety Disorder

1) Define the diagnosis, or diagnoses that Ryan Reynolds of interest suffers with. This must include diagnostic criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V). 2) You must defend your diagnostic impression by describing the symptoms, behaviors, thought patterns exhibited, and feelings expressed by …

persuasive essay

Research Essay: Write a persuasive, argumentative, research essay on a topic of your choice. Your essay must cite a minimum 4-5 secondary sources (only scholarly essays or books found through the library catalogue count for this requirement), in addition to any other sources relevant to the essay topic. I am …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

On The scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne The final chapter offers three explanations for the bloody “A” etched on Dimmesdale’s chest. Explain what each of the three possibilities are, according to the narrator, and answer the following questions: Why does Hawthorne chose to leave the reason ambiguous? What does this …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: Read: Once more to the Lake by E.B. White. Now, write a 5-paragraph descriptive essay of a vacation or scene you remember from your childhood. In your essay, describe in detail what did you do, where did you go, what did you see, hear, and taste. A five- paragraph …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Argument Essay Outline and Rough Draft:Question/Topic: Was it appropriate for Martin Luther King, Jr., to hold the 1963 Birmingham March protest, which led to his jailing?Your Task: Closely read the first 21 paragraphs of Letter from Birmingham Jail and write a source-basedargument on the topic below.  Then, answer whether or …

Obeisty Persuasive Solution

1) Does the introduction succeed at getting your attention (with an opening hook)? Does the introduction give you a clear sense about the current state of the problem (the location & size of the problem, who is affected) and make a case for why this is an important problem that …

discussion paper

Instructions: Provide a written response to the following question.1) The readings for this week are quite brief, considering the rather lengthy readings fromprevious topics. Therefore, in your examination of the very short readings related to the canon, examine how two or three of the writings discuss the literature of the …

read details

For this assignment, you will choose one topic from the list below and write an argumentative essay. A well-organized essay has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your readers attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background …