Voices of Change Instructions In Assignment 2, we ask you to consider the actual words or works of an important spokesperson for their times. After reading that speakers words, you will use the provided template to write a two-page response that shares your thoughts about the work in question, …

Help. Must Know How To Create Eportfolio

  The focus I chose is to integrate Blending technology in an ABCD classroom by using a station rotational model. ABCD is Academic and Behavior classroom. The link for my e-portfolio is    Assignment Value: 150 (Parts A & B combined) In this assignment, you are to complete the development …

Question 6 Of 6

   1.  Please describe the five fundamental principles that should be present in a Personal Ethics Statement? Please be detailed in your response. 500 Words 3 references Keep Separated  2.  Although not often considered as intelligence agencies, major elements of private industry maintain robust security programs.  DHS identifies 16 critical …

Theater Response Assignment

  Attached Files: (926.483 KB) This assignment is due Sunday night of Week Three and is worth 25 points. Extra Credit of 10% if turned in by Wednesday of Week Three. (February 18, 2020) In the past two weeks, you have been introduced to two classic plays: Oedipus Rex (The …

3 Discussion Questions- Theather Arts

 1- This discussion question is based on pp. 303-343 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information). Topics you should know before answering this question: 1. The role of the director (pp. 322-324)2. Approaches to directing (pp. …


   Define the below two classification methods:  The decision trees and Naive Bayes.  Elaborate on the theories behind these classifiers. Which one of these classifiers are considered computationally efficient for high dimensional problems and why? 2-page paper – double spaced. (Does not include the title page and the reference page) …

Response A Peer

***** Respond in a paragraph following the established guidelines. The answer must be of a substantial nature and with quotes present in the textbook. Agree or disagree is not appropriate.  ***** Only use this book and specific pages.   Represent the quotes (author, year, and page) when reflecting the content in …


Using the resources you have found that may help inform your literature review later in the class, craft a preliminary Works Cited/References page (Works Cited for MLA format, References for APA format). The preliminary citations should be properly formatted by the rules of your chosen format, alphabetized by authors last …


  Explain how sex and gender work through each other to create a system of communication of identity. How do we value the meanings attached to sex/gender within our culture? Name the three prominent ways in which sex/gender has been theorized, provide an example, and explain your thoughts about the …


  What is a sex/gender system? Are there differences between sex and gender? What are they if there are? How do we place cultural meanings on sex/gender?  Define intersectionality and provide an example (not from the book) and explain why it is important.  What is a binary? Are binaries harmful …