Understanding Developmental Milestones

  An in-depth understanding of developmental milestones in infants and toddlers will help families and educators collaborate to promote healthy cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and language development in young children. For this assignment, you will create a digital handout for each of the ages listed (birth to 12 months; 13-24 …

Discussion 2

 The social and emotional development of young children includes four components: Trust and emotional security, self-awareness, self-regulation, and relationships with other children. Identify 3-5 books that could be used with young children to promote these four components. List activities that could be used in conjunction with the books to support …

Discussion 1

 The cognitive development of young children includes four components: Exploration and discovery, memory, problem solving, and imitation and symbolic play. Young babies enter the world ready to learn and begin immediately to acquire and process new information. Based on this understanding, identify the importance of promoting cognitive development for infants …

Research Methods Essay And Discussion

  Attached Files:                                                                       (11.382 KB)                                                                        (11.247 KB)  Creating correct in-text citations and your Reference page in the APA style are the last elements you will need for your final Semester Project submission in Week 14.  Refer to Chapter 9 of our text for guidance on how to format in-text (pp.169-171) …

English Comp Essay And Discussion

WEEK 12 (Graded Assignments Highlighted Below) WEEK 12 TOPICS  Proofreading and expanding our thoughts. Essay structure. How will we apply the skills in this class to our future courses? What have we learned so far? WEEK 12 LEARNING TASKS:   Catch up reading any selections you missed.   Submit Essay …

Social Studies Mini-Lesson Plan

Part 1: Mini-Lesson Plan            Prior to going into your clinical field experience classroom this week, use the data received from the pre-assessment to complete the Social Studies Mini-Lesson Plan template. This mini-lesson plan will be administered to the selected group of students to support instruction …

Wax Museum Outline

Content-based classroom events can be a fun way to engage students and involve families in their childrens education. Planning for such an event in your classroom is a big task and takes time and preparation. Preparing for assignments and events requires attention to detail, realistic and specific expectations, and practice. …

Research Design Discussions

Please read.. I attached 4 discussions- Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4  All need to be done on separate page with the this book as the reference.   Edmonds, W. A., & Kennedy, T. D. (2017). An applied guide to research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, …

Assignment Due Tomorrow Before 11:59 Pm Mountain Time

Learning Objectives and Lesson Alignment  Review the Writing Objectives and Learning Goals template and the topic materials for samples of measureable learning objectives. Teachers must align all lessons and assessments to content standards. Typically, each standard is broad and should be broken down into teacher-written learning objectives in order to …

Discussion Post

Initial Post: To complete the Whole Teacher matrix, include each of the following components: Column 1: Choose eight tips from the Tips for Teachers provided in figure 1.1, page 9 of your course text. The tips you choose should hold meaning to you and in your work with children. Column …