Dance on Screen Prep. Assignment

In one paragraph, discuss the idea that popular culture educates as it entertains. What does this mean? Who is being educated? Who is doing the educating? What hegemonic topics might be taught to someone watching dance on screen?  Support your ideas with examples.


Access the Internet Web site of any two U.S. state health departments and compare and contrast the two state-local public health systems in terms of their structure, general functions, specific services, resources, and other important features. Your focus should be on state-local public health systems in these two states, rather …

Experiencing AAC Systems

 Speech therapists are an important related service provider for students with language impairments to help support their expressive and receptive communication needs. Speech therapists frequently consult with general education teachers and special education teachers to provide training on the correct integration of augmentative and alternative communication systems and other types …

Trends in ECE and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems

  As an early childhood education professional, there will be many times that you will need to refer to Websites for information and research. In Module 01 you started an Early Childhood Education Resource Guide. This guide will serve as a helpful tool to support your work in the early …

Visual Representation of Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems

  Comprehensive Early Childhood Systems are an important tool to meet the needs of young children and their families while incorporating research and current trends. By bringing together early childhood stakeholder across sectors, children can be served more effectively and efficiently. The concept of a comprehensive early childhood system might …

week 2

  Compare and contrast the three types of social control. Provide one best practice for each type of social control, noting how power, authority, and influence play a role in each.   Select the type of sanction you would use to establish and maintain social control in a school setting and explain …

Learning & Innovation Skills & Student Assessment

This assignment requires you to make connections between high-quality assessment and learning and innovation skills. Additionally, using the Framework for 21st Century learning (Links to an external site.) as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity from one of your courses in the masters program. There are …

Cultural Competence Checklist

  Competency Evaluate principles of ethics and leadership.   Scenario You are a mentor teacher, working with co-teachers at All Kids Childcare and Education. Your program has started a new initiative to help teachers better incorporate and celebrate diversity. You are excited to showcase the strategies a few of the …

Breaking Down South Parks Holiday Special episode

Directions: In class, we watched an episode of the TV show South Park. You will now use what we have discussed and practiced regarding strategies, claims, evidence, audience, and argument to break down and analyze the episode, “Holiday Special.” I have attached a graphic organizer that provides directions and space for …