Week 3 Discussion – New Kid at School

   Week 3 Discussion – New Kid at School After completing this week’s Readings and Resources, respond to the following questions. You have just become the new principal at a school in your town. You have followed a well-loved principal who has been at the school for fifteen years. During …

Statement of Present Level of Performance and Goal

  Statement of Present Level of Performance and Goal According to IDEA, the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statement within an IEP must be specific to the individual being described, and must be based on objective, measurable data. For this assignment, you will write a PLAAFP …

discussion 1

 For help selecting an institution, visit the National Center for Education Statistics website. Using the College Navigator, look up your chosen institutions information and summarize its profile. What can you say about the demographics of the student body? What types of programs does the institution offer? How much does it …

discussion board

watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB5K9k__SOo How does Mary Fisher’s audience shape the choices she makes in this speech? Consider the make-up of the audience in terms of their demographic characteristics, as well as their likely attitudes, values, and beliefs.  If Fisher was giving this speech before a different audience, would her …


Read please Read!!!! I am in my Master degree program.  APA must be on point.  I am getting my Master.  APA must be formatting right.  Don’t Bid if you don’t know APA. Think about a leader you admire. This individual might be a famous contemporary leader, someone from history, someone …

special education

   Assignment 5 documents Assignment: Continuous Program Evaluation As with whole systems change and sustainability, continuous program evaluation is required to fulfill your commitment to improving the lives of all students. Although some of the evaluations you conduct may be informal, at the program level, the evaluation process is typically …


1. When planning assessments for your students, why is it important to include both formative and summative assessments? What other factors do you consider when planning for instruction other than assessments? 2. How do you ensure equity and fairness for all your students when planning for assessments Explain how you …

Two discussions due Saturday before 11:59 pm mountain time

Topic 3: Discussion Question 1  Why is it important to create engagement at the beginning of a lesson? What strategies can you use to create engagement with students at the beginning of a lesson? Provide three examples. Topic 3: Discussion Question 2  You are teaching a second grade literacy lesson …

Response a peer

***** Respond in a paragraph following the established guidelines. The answer must be of a substantial nature and with quotes present in the textbook. Agree or disagree is not appropriate. ***** Only use this book and specific pages.   Represent the quotes (author, year, and page) when reflecting the content in …

Instructional Models/Strategies Analysis

Instructional Models/Strategies Analysis               Instructional models apply learning theories to the selection of   instructional strategies in a manner that will improve planning and   differentiation to aid in student success. Understanding how various   teaching models and strategies were designed to better reach students   allows teachers to adjust their teaching styles to …