Clinical Field Experience A: Physical Activity

  Physical activity is a component of childrens development that will be incorporated into everyday learning. Educators find creative ways to incorporate more movement and play in the early childhood classrooms. Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience. Find a birth to Pre-K child …

week 5 Writing

  This week, you will write a well-developed introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to introduce the context of your area of interest (main topic), then two to three related areas (subtopics). These should be supported by one or more selected research resources. Then, you will summarize the points …


please respond to the following prompt completely: 1. Many economists argue that early childhood education is a good investment from a societal perspective (chapter 5 of Restoring Opportunity addresses this). In 5-6 sentences, explain one of the arguments that economists make to prove this point. 2. After reading Chapter 5 …


Signature Assignment – Create Instructional Materials Instructions For your Signature Assignment, you will design instructional materials for a single-day, single-topic video resource and scripted PDF job aid with graphics. You will develop: A short instructional video A job aid for the video, containing screenshots and/or other graphics. This job aid …


Assignment: Analyze Twitter Activity and Connection Instructions In this activity, you will circle back with your Twitter activity and discuss political, legal, or ethical considerations as they specifically pertain to assessment and evaluation. By this time, you may have engaged in a fairly substantial conversation about outside influencers and their …

EDU 533

Select one (1) of the types of learner characteristics. Propose two (2) approaches to achieving instructional objectives that address the properties of this learner characteristic. Support your response with two (2) real-world examples. Create the tasks for the trainer/instructor for your final project. Using the six structures listed in the …

due mon

    Online Success Assignment Before completing this assignment, be sure to read the articles by Waschull (2005) and Roper (2007) provided in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder. Your assignment must be 34 pages, not including the title page or the reference page, and include the articles on the …

Communicating the Purpose and Value of Assessment

Readings to help with answer Use Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide to read the following: Chapter 14, “Valuing Assessment and the People Who Contribute,” pages 175186. Use the Internet to read the following: American Association for Higher Education. (1996). Nine principles of good practice for assessing student learning. …

Classroom Arrangements and Cooperative Learning

  Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting. The arrangement and layout of the classroom should provide opportunities to work productively and cooperatively to …

Examining Obstacles That Contribute to the Controversy

400-500 words Basing your Answer post on the readings below, how might you summarize some common obstacles to assessment? To what extent are these obstacles actual or perceived? Are any of them created by assumptions or inaccurate information? How would you summarize the controversy over assessment? Remember to provide citations …