
 Read Chapter 2 and watch Week 3 Lectures. Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society (course materials) and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly support and apply the utilitarian claims (course materials) to back up …

Legal Case Summary

Legal Case Summary For this assignment, you will write a summary of a judicial decision. The goal of this assignment is to support you in the practice of reading a legal document and communicating your understanding of the decision.  Please use the following template which highlights the elements that should …

Challenging Your Thinking

Challenging Your Thinking 1.  Research to find out if overweight children are likely to become overweight adults.   Report your findings in a two (2) page summary. 2.  Make a list of task that a preschool child could do in the home (10 task).  Make a list of tasks school age …

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

Many laws are in place to protect student information. For this discussion begin by reading Chapter 7, next review the Model Notification of Rights Document Under the PPRA on the  website, and read the scenario below. Answer the discussion question at the end of the scenario using the following chart to determine …

Summary Paper #2

  Summary Paper #2 For this weeks summary paper, you are to choose one of the links below.  Read the article or watch the video, and then write a 2-3 page paper.  Three fourths of your paper should be a summary of the video or article.  The remaining fourth of …

Discussion Responses

1.)  In chapter 4 I read about the different ways of learning. I actually fall into many categories. I learn by reading, visually, and by working alone. I find that doing all the things previously listed I learn very well. I read and highlight, take notes, make pictures (depending on …

Assignment 1a

   Assignment 1: Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives Due Week 4 and worth 125 points In Week 1, you identified a need, such as new equipment, expanding curriculum, change in procedures, and so forth, that you want to address through the instructional curriculum you will create for your class project. …

Research of Educational Change

  Research of Educational Change One aspect of professional development that educators can participate in is that of educational conferences. While you may at some point have participated in an educational conference as an attendee, you have the opportunity in this assignment to think as a presenter! This assignment will …

Examining Strategies to Work Toward Consensus

350-400 words Question: Reflect on the reading below about common obstacles to assessment. Using and citing the readings, how might you summarize some effective strategies for resolving those obstacles? How might a renewed understanding of assessment help faculty, staff, or administrators to become involved in assessment efforts and work toward …