Clinical Field Experience B: Safety Considerations

 Teacher- Ms. Burns School-Davis Early Learning Center  Safety is a critical component of a learning environment. Educators familiarize themselves with legal and moral aspects of the classrooms so they can best prepare for routines and instructional lessons. Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience. …

Discussion 2

 Review the website of your field experience placement or another early childhood facility. How does the philosophy, mission, and vision of the school/facility, directly or indirectly, address the topic of safety of young children?    WBES/DELC Mission Statement The Whale Branch Elementary / James J. Davis Early Childhood Centers mission …

Week 6 Journal

   Reflective Journal Reflect on the process of developing the initiative using the following guiding statements: The most compelling aspect of this project has been The most worrisome aspect of this project has been I wish I had more time to The best part of this project will be I …

Week 6 Discussion 1 Outline

   Review the requirements for your final paper and post a draft outline in the discussion forum.  Note any items that you would appreciate feedback on or include portions of your narrative that you would like reviewed.  Guided Response:  Read and respond to at least two of your peers with …

Week 5 Assignment Power of One (Part III)

   Create a two- to four-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) that: 1. Provides a narrative examining how you will evaluate your initiative to include the following points: Your initial assessment Appraise the State of Now. Illustrate indicators of success Describe what are you hoping to achieve in …

Week 5 Discussion 1 Communications Guide

   Review the required resources identified for this week on the use of communication and social media guides. Locate and read the posted communication and social media guidelines for your local school system (usually found on the district web site and may be called Internet Policies, or Acceptable Use Guides). …

Discussion 10

Articles at the bottom Write a three (3) page paper in which you:   -Summarize each article [approximately one to two (1-2) paragraphs per article] and identify the:   -Purpose of the research.  -Problem statement.  -Gaps in literature that studied the problem.  -Research question and/or hypotheses.  -Theory or conceptual framework.  -Findings of the research.  -Describe one (1) aspects of each article …

Discussion 1

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.  Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) Indian philosopher, speaker & writer. Chapter one of our …

Journal Reflection

Complete the weekly journal assignment for Week 6. Title your tab and entry “Weekly Journal Reflection.” Reflect on your Weeks 1-5 journal entries. Write a 350- to 525-word response to the following questions: How has your understanding of community-based education and lifelong learning changed during the course? What are your plans for gaining additional …

The Future of Community-Based Services and Education Presentation

Resource: Research Tutorials located on the University Library page. View tutorials on how to perform a search for peer-reviewed articles. Develop a 7- to 10-slide (15- to 20-minute) visual presentation, video, or podcast on the outlook of community-based services and education up to 15 years from now using a tool from the Technology Resource …